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Weekly Lemonade

SWEETS: bloguettes conference | everyone feeling better | s n o w w w w w w | hayward’s buzzerbeater to send lebron home crying | jazz date night x3 | riding trax for the fist time | dinner with morg + ty | aub’s birthday party | lazy saturday + sunday mornings | new costco play table | on time for church | quick visit with grandma before we took her to the airport for florida | bijou market | lots of new babies to love on: shelb + brandon, jon + bri, coy + suzie, john + kylee | homemade potato soup | slowly putting up the christmas decor | saranoni blakets | house plans after the kids are in bed | making thanksgiving name tags for grandma’s house | selfies from jon + jonah at the jazz game | sour skittles | every single thing about jess kettle’s remodeled house | hide + seek | the way the boys run + scream when jon gets home from work | feeding the missionaries | west elm | hats ordered online that actually fit #miracles | jon’s oversized sweatshirts | homemade christmas ornaments | snuggling next to the heater box
now, the sours. because I think they are important to document + just as fun to look back on. 
SOURS: jonah tipping the shopping cart over at the craft store: harry potter scar for jonah, serious bruised battle wounds for riggins + one hysterical mama | losing the car keys | forgetting birthday card at home | riggy taking off his diaper in the kitchen then smearing it all across the rug + carpet | blog design taking foreverrrrrrrrrrrrr to program | no trips to logan this week | jonah breaking TWO snow globes | dead computer chord | long tithing settlement hours for jonboy | forgetting to mail our thankful cards | always feeling like i want to switch up home decorations | cramps | gold hair | waffle luv confusion at bloguettes | parking lots mixed with road rage | jonah scaring riggins with the vacuum + sucking up the rug while he was at it
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