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Our Homemade Ball Pit

We caught that nasty stomach bug a couple weeks back + were cooped up at home for a few days in a row. It led to some pretty depressing thoughts on how we’re completely doomed this winter. #stircrazytimestwenty Utah probs, I guess. Riggins was down for a nap, Jonah was watching Daniel Tiger on his ipad in the living room + I was pretty desperate for something fun to do with the kids. Something that definitely didn’t require much effort on my end. Remember these plastic balls from Riggin’s first birthday party?! You might already have some lying around, but if not, I’d suggest snagging a bag for the cold winter ahead. They have been saving my sanity lately. Just keep them boxed up until you actually use them. Otherwise they will most likely become your worst enemy during cleanup time. I got bag of balls down from the garage shelf + made a towering pile on top of my bed, shutting the door behind me. The boys had no idea.

A trick that I’ve learned in raising + entertaining our two very active toddlers is the surprise factor. Our boys are easily pleased, but their attention span isn’t the greatest. This is where my surprise theory comes in. I can’t let them in on what I’ve got planned for the day because if they see me setting it up (art project, snack time, movie fort, picnic, ball pit, etc) the excitement pretty much wears off before it’s even ready to go. If you master the set up/planning without them seeing, your activity is that much more thrilling for all of you. Depending on what we’re doing, it helps me to wake up a few minutes earlier + plan things out the night before. Both little gestures that make all the difference on how productive we are during the day. This has helped to keep my kids stay engaged for longer periods of time + I’m telling you, the way their eyes light up on a day like that make any hassle beforehand totally worth it.

When we opened the door later that afternoon to our DIY ball pit, Jonah ran in circles screaming you’re the best mom everrrrr + Riggins, well, he just stared at us like we were crazy. Haaa! He warmed right up in no time. They jumped, flipped, played hot tomato, sorted the colors, jumped some more AND even helped shoot the balls into the bag when we were done. Chalking this day up as a success on my mom chart.

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3 thoughts on “Our Homemade Ball Pit

  1. You are winning all around in the mom department. What a fun idea!! I will take all the fun indoor ideas I can get for this winter! Xo

  2. i love this idea! how far apart are Jonah and Riggins? I am due in May and my kids will be 20 mos. apart. any tips/advice on being a new mom of two? You seem to do so well! I would love all of the help I can get 🙂

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