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SWEETS: halloween | completing our fall live list | family home evening by jon | target cashier friends who call the kids by name | jenson’s birthday |  a clean house courtesy of grandma webb | printed family pictures | homemade chicken noodle soup brought in from the jensen’s | doorbell ditching pictures for the neighbors | diy mcdonald’s ball pit | day trip out to tooele | reading christmas ad’s in bed with jonah | bunk bed plans | thanksgiving tree | smoothies for lunch in a halloween cup after it’s over | list of thankful | bbq at grandma larsens’s house on halloween | rompers for the boys. DUH | target christmas dollar section | snail mail letters from friends | wafflessssss | daily costco trips | having my best friends + family at the buzz release party | “how many minutes until dad gets home.” starting at 8:15 every morning | falling asleep chatting on the couch | sitting on the heater box | fitting my hair into a ponytail | jon’s selfie with lebron james | movie night | brandon + shelby moving so close | the way jonah carries his golf bag on his hip 

now, the sours. because I think they are important to document + just as fun to look back on. 

SOURS: stomach flu | LAAATE nights with our programers | rotten pumpkins on the deck | halloween costume drama | riggy’s fat lip from falling on the stairs | remade halloween cookies that we burnt | late nights with design team | broken shellac top coat ALL over the floor #crunchycarpet | crayon jar putting a hole in the wall when it fell off the shelf with a little help from riggins | speaking in sacrament | Jonah + Rigg wanting the same toy 80% of the time | jonah temper tantrum during sacrament meeting when Jon + I were both on the stand | missing reading time because we didn’t feel well | washing bed sheets 893,816,097 times a day | the kids escaping out the back door when we each thought someone else was watching them | too many jazz games, too little time 😉 | time out strategy | linkden for dummies
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3 thoughts on “LEMONADE

  1. Girl! Catching up on all your Lemonades! So fun! This makes me want Fall 🙂 Your shoes on the left 2 pics up, where from? Love them!

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