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I came across this quote a few months ago + hello, it struck a serious chord. Thank you, Pinterest!! I’ve been spending more of my time listening intentionally + less time talking. I’ve learned a lot about myself in the process. My strengths. My weaknesses. I’ve found myself studying “noise” pretty regularly + have realized that it is completely my responsibility to organize my mind. Is my life filled with noise? Confusion? Is it calm? Do I think through my choices + listen to promptings, or do I go through the motions because that takes less effort + I’m pretty dang tired? Am I grateful when times get hard? How is my heart? What are my fears? What are my strengths? Who are my people? Where are my people? Am I a good wife? What are my goals? Longterm? Daily? Have I written them down? Am I being selfish? Am I a good mom? What should I feed my kids? SO MANY QUESTIONS!! You guys, it’s amazing what we are able to learn about ourself when we shut off the noise + LISTEN. Ask yourself the question you are avoiding + don’t stop searching for the answer until you find it. Throw me a bone, I want to scream this off the balcony. Why did I not realize the power behind this simple theory sooner in my life? I actually know the answer to that — I wasn’t ready to hear it. Funny how that works huh. I’m even starting to believe that my mom was on to something telling us to turn down the music in high school. 😉

—– family pictures by sami jo photo —–

I do better when I’m writing down progress for myself. This includes setting goals + tracking the process. I have learned that I’m blessed with a voice. I’ve come to grips with the fact that I’m a “write the grocery list + leave it on the table” type or person, but I’m also not afraid to wear every color of the rainbow. Learning to think through decisions on my own without asking for other’s advice is something that I haven’t always been the best at, but it’s sure getting easier. I don’t need their approval. Jon makes me a better me. I am strong. I am brave. No denying my “words of affirmation” love language. I’ve learned that there is a HUGE difference in caring about people + caring what people think. I take my role in motherhood very seriously + want my kids to see that their mom loves herself unconditionally. I feel balanced — I feel content. I truly fear what kinds of things our kids will face in the future, but realize that it is out of my control. I am the most awkward when getting my picture taken + I laugh when I’m nervous. Balance is hard. Balance is also a very loaded word + can only be established between myself + The Lord. Learning how to keep all of my balls in the air is a lifelong journey. The more I focus on balance, the more balls I drop along the way. What we focus on is key. Expectation is everything! I’ve learned the value of “Ginger” time. It’s easier for me to be nice than to be mean. I had a long heart-to-heart with a very dear friend about priorities + through many tears, she expressed the importance of guarding our priorities like everything in our life depends on it. I agree with her wholeheartedly + know that these priorities are worth EVERY effort or sacrifice. It’s my job to protect them, keep them in their right place + swat the crap out of anything that tries to get in their way. I have learned that I won’t ever be able to just eat one eggo waffle + that pictures bring me happiness.

Find your people, love your life, be genuine + focus on the things you can control, rather than the things that you can’t. Prioritize your noise, smile at yourself in the mirror, eliminate the unnecessary, fight for your family, strive for simplicity + LISTEN to your gut. You’ll find happiness — I know that I have. xx
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14 thoughts on “Noise

  1. You need to seriously consider writing a book. I am not even kidding. Your words of wisdom are so so priceless. You nailed this post right on the head. It makes me so proud to be your little sister. I grow + am strengthened every single day by your example. You make me absolutely giddy to be a mother. Your boys are all so blessed to have you. I have watched you fight through your feelings + emotions this last few months + go through these hard/noisy things that you have described in this post. But I have also witnessed this transformation + watched you figure it out + become happier than you have ever been in your life. I have always believed in you. Always remember to believe in yourself. Thanks for being such a light of genuine beauty to your little sisters. I love you. xoxo

  2. Love this Ging! Your pictures are beautiful, and every word is true – especially your thoughts on protecting your priorities. it only gets harder as they get older, Mama Bear has to really watch her back and makes frequent appearances! sometimes I freak out a little as I notice my kids getting so old – Kennedy is in YOUNG WOMENS. She spoke in sacrament meeting a few weeks ago😬 and its so easy to beat myself up because of every fun, creative thing we see that amazing mothers are doing that I’ve missed the chance to do (such as glittery dollar bills from the tooth fairy!!! Dang it!) but, I’ve loved recently seeing my kids make good choices, be kind, compassionate friends, basically be decent human beings, and they are happy and know that they are always MY priority, and what’s better than that??
    Thank you for sharing your happiness!
    Lots of love – Shelli
    PS – I get the Eggo thing! I think it’s because they were a total Gram Webb treat growing up 😊

  3. I love the words you have to share Ginger! How cool that you can have an affect on someone’s life, on their perspective of life, through your blog + pictures. It’s real to me. Thank you for sharing!!

  4. Beautifully written Ginger. I have realized recently that I never understood the meaning of the word “Fear” until I became a mother. Fear of things I cannot control for them for our family unit etc. I loved the part about guarding our priorities. Basically, I loved this post. So uplifting. Thanks for sharing. —Mary Stocking

  5. Beautifully written Ginger. I have realized recently that I never understood the meaning of the word “Fear” until I became a mother. Fear of things I cannot control for them for our family unit etc. I loved the part about guarding our priorities. Basically, I loved this post. So uplifting. Thanks for sharing. —Mary Stocking

  6. ♥♥♥♥♥ i met up with shelby and her hubby last night in SF and we talked about how GREAT you are! love this.

  7. You are so genuine, real and so in tune. You have such a unique outlook on life and can think so deeply about life that it affects so many. Thank you for this amazing post. And yes, Emi and I did talk about how Amazing you are! Love you Ginger!

  8. This really spoke to me. I’m a new reader, after recently finding you, and your blog, on Instagram. Your photos are so joyful! But your words, even better! 🙂

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