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Lemonade leftovers

S W E E T S: collins 2nd birthday pineapple bash | cowabunga with just the boys | helping ky at the store | family reunion with the webb’s in lewiston | “Mom, riggins pushed me off the couch” -j | lunch date with elease + millie | grandma’s new patio furniture | jon signing maverick | surprise visits from laura + the girls | BIG J’s raspberry shake | stylin friend-hand-me downs | when the temperature drops right before the sun goes down | mo tipping backwards off of her chair TWICE | sporadic sprinkler running in jammies | barefoot all day every day | jumping off the mobile free fall FOUR big times + jonboy’s backflip | candy catapult at idaho days | ash’s sugar cookies + cody’s mean grillin | 

now, the sours. because I think they are important to document + just as fun to look back on.

S O U R S: lotoja training | more teefs for riggins | BIG J’s strawberry shake {when raspberry was on the menu} | permanent juice mustache on jonah | missing grandma webb every single day | no nap jonah | staying up until midnight napping jonah | broken dish remote | pinki toe nail hanging by a thread, as well as stubbing my toe when no one is around to complain to | driving to target, loading the cart, waiting in line AND THEN realizing my wallet was still at home | broken glasses
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4 thoughts on “Lemonade leftovers

  1. Just found your blog, I love that you have your sweets and your sours every week. I believe that we need both in life (but I really like how you put sweets first!) Thanks for the reminder to always look for the good.

  2. I love your blog and your insta! I think you have a way with words and I’m amazed of how well you can write something and still keep it simple. Thanks for shareing!

    I love your bracelets by the way. Can you tell me where they are from?

    Best wishes from you “fan” in Norway 🙂

  3. How am I just seeing this?! definite sweet: lunch date with you three! That feels like f-o-r-ever ago. Can’t wait to play when you get home. Once again, you have me swooning over your gorgeous pictures! love you!

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