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6 secrets to being a happy mother

 – – – – – samantha kelly photography – – – – – 

I got a very sincere, very heavy-hearted email asking me how to be happier mother because I am very happy all of the time. Although I instantly wanted to send back a picture of my tired, saggy eyes + a defensive rebuke on why I’m the wrong person to ask, I knew she deserved more of a heartfelt answer than a list of reasons why I’m not ALWAYS happy ALL of the time.
The recent trend seems to be to air your dirty laundry on social media to show how real you really are. I totally get it. We’re not happy 100% of the time. We’re not supposed to be. We all have crappy days where we’d really like to throw in the towel. I’m no different. If it helps to relieve stress to write about it, that’s great, pour your heart right out. Share your story + be proud of it. I’m in no means trying to bag on people who parade their laundry like so because I tend to find most anything with sincere passion behind it incredibly inspiring. Party on! I guess I just choose to show our real moments in the most positive light possible. With that said, this specific email just took me a bit more off guard than usual. It made me stop, sit down + analyze my life while questioning deep down what + where my internal joy comes from. I’ve really had to step away from my comfort zone to explain it to you guys. Kind of a really scary thing for me, but here we go. Why am I happy? How am I happy? I’ve broken it down to 6 not so little secrets that have lead me to a happier life. A happier motherhood if you want to be specific.

1. Choose to be happy – Happiness is a predetermined choice in my book. You’ve got to make up in your mind that you’re going to be happy no matter what life throws at you. You’ve got to want to be happy. You can find something positive in even the worst situation, but only if you are looking for it. If you wait to let the emotions of the moment take over it’ll be a constant battle with why life isn’t fair. Choose to be happy before crap hits the fan.
2. Learn to let things go – the milk will always spill, but the grocery store is not going anywhere. You can always buy more. My trick during the spilled milk moments – take a picture. Document it. The spilled milk, broken picture frame, the gossip started from Missy down the block, whatever it is, snap a picture of something to remind you of the lemon. Chances are it won’t be as sour when you look back on it a week or two down the road. I enjoy writing my feelings with pictures. The sooner we can train our mood + our mind that little things that are out of our control don’t need to control our happiness, the happier we will become.
3. Remember to play – I’m currently reading a book called Hands Free Mama + I can’t get enough of it. A thought that really resonated with me went something along the lines of – – – “What are you quickest to carry with you to the next room, your cell phone or your child’s hand?” Get down on the ground + play with your kids. Paint, color, run, cry + leave your phone in the other room. At the end of the day, you will never regret the time you put aside to play with your children. We love making lists. Our seasonal + weekly bucket lists help keep us on track + give us immediate ideas when we feel like the ipad seems reallllly nice. I’m far from perfect in this category, but I know that I never regret the time that we set aside to play as a family.
4. Build your village: Motherhood takes a village. Hand pick your army wisely. Surround yourself with friends who encourage you to be yourself + who genuinely care about your well being. They say misery loves company + I totally agree. I tend to flock towards positive people. Have you seen the quote “you become like the 5 most people you spend the most time with” floating around on pinterest? Who are you becoming? Think about it. Which friends would you feel comfortable with showing up unannounced if your steps hadn’t seen a vacuum in 2 weeks with + the last 3 days of dishes are rotting in your sink. Are your friends genuine friends? Are you a genuine friend? Friendship is a two way road in my life. Not enough time to please everyone in the world. Eliminate the unnecessary. That doesn’t mean you can’t be nice to everyone. Just, surround yourself with a strong, positive village.
5. Find your creative outlet –  something makes your clock tick. I believe my creativity is the battery inside my internal clock. But what’s your battery? When I became a mother, my universe turned to my children. They are my whole world. After Jonah was born, I remember catching myself talking baby talk to a grown adult at church. In a high-pitched voice like “Ohhhh Hi, how are you today?” Embarrassing. The truth of the matter – I didn’t get out of the house much. In fact, I didn’t talk to a single adult until Jon got home from work. But I have always loved to talk, whether it’s to people I know really well or don’t know at all. In hair school I turned in my essay on job interviews, my instructor wrote a note on top with a big smiley face telling me that I write exactly like I talk. I think that’s why I enjoy blogging as much as I do. It’s like talking out my feelings with no one to interrupt. haha BINGO. Blogging is totally my creative outlet, my battery. Your clock might might tick when you join a thursday night soccer team or jump into the neighborhood book club.  I don’t really know, I just know we’re all totally different + that’s what makes us so neat.
6. Take time for yourself – For whatever reason, this one is the hardest for me. I feel like for a while I had convinced myself that in order to be a the very best mom I could be, I needed to be hands on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If I wasn’t, I wasn’t doing enough + the mom guilt would eat me alive. Literally. It’s not hard for me to schedule a pedicure or a dinner with my friends, but it is hard to admit that I NEED to do it. Remember control + alt + delete when things were just TOO much for your computer? We are the same way. You’ll be a better mother + a better friend when you take time for yourself to gather a big breath of fresh air + remember that in order to care for anyone else, you best be taking care of yourself. —A few weeks ago Jon asked me for a day to just unwind + relax after work. It happened to be the same day we had planned to go out of town. I got 120% offended. But what happened in the end really intrigued me. He helped us pack up the car + we went on our way, without him. He got off work that night at 5:00 + at 6:15 I got a text asking what the kids were doing because he missed them. He missed us. —– Point proven.  Taking a few extra minutes for ourself to regroup helps organize all of the tabs you have open in your minds + maybe even re-prioritize the chaos running around like a wild banshee up there. Men work the same way.

With my most sincere happiness project out on the table, my best friends + my family will tell you straight up that I’m not always happy. I will tell you I’m not ALWAYS happy. I have bad days + sad days + throw me a freaking bone days. But the one thing that I try to remind myself as often as possible is to focus on the positive + the happy! Make up your mind right now that you’re going to be happy today + you will be, I promise.
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21 thoughts on “6 secrets to being a happy mother

  1. Thank you thank you thank you for sharing this. I wish I had a village full of friends like you in real life. This reminded me I need to get out more so I can be a better me and momma to my kids and wife to my hubby.

  2. ginger! you said it perfectly!! i hope i can be half as an amazing mother like you one day.

    and could you be any prettier?! so gorgeous.

  3. Oh, you are such a beautiful person, inside and out. You glow! I hope I can be as wonderful of a mom to my little guy as you are to yours. Thanks for opening your heart, you are the sweetest. Xo

  4. Man, are you kidding me?? I love all these thoughts- and love to hear your life is normal, too 😉 gorgeous pictures, and thank goodness that blogging is your creative outlet, because you inspire me!! Thanks for sharing these fabulous thoughts. Love you sweet friend.

  5. Oh ginger you are the most beautiful person I know inside and out. And I’m serious when I say I hope to be more like you! Love your thoughts and I love you!

  6. Ginger, this topic runs through my mind so often. I tend to be along the same mindset. I want to much to focus on gratitude that I put a lot of effort into a positive presence online. I struggle often just like any other person with feeling overwhelmed, tired, or even discouraged. However, these things that you have listed have been my proactive approach to a full and happy life. You are wise beyond your years! Thank you for your writing! Sharing on my blog! xoxo

  7. ALLY – – – Getting outside of your everyday comfort zone can be so scary! Cheering you on as you venture into new environments. Lots of love, sweet friend. xx

  8. Olivia – – – I commented you back on instagram letting your know your be kind to someone post helped me to just stop being nervous + push the button. Thank you for your example! The world needs more genuine beauty like you have! One day our paths will cross in real life + I can’t wait to give you a big squeeze. Thanks again for being so sweet! xx

  9. Morgan – – – You are such a loyal + supportive friend. Thanks for always saying such nice things + for reading my thoughts. I got your email! Thank you thank you! Seriously. Much love! xx

  10. Kelli – – – Here I am with paint colors scattered across my floor as we remodel our kitchen. I will never forget how AWESOME you made me feel about my home when you first came over. You are such a wonderful friend + I wish you still lived near. I hope you guys are enjoying your trip together! You inspire ME. Thanks for taking the time to read this post. Love you! xx

  11. Shelby – – – every time I see your name appear on anything I smile! You are the sweetest friend! You make ME want to be better. Thanks for your kind, uplifting words! I feel so lucky to know you! Lets get the boys together soon! Love you! xx

  12. Anna – – – I feel so honored to be on your round up today. Thank you kindly for including me! You are an inspiration to so many, myself included. I would say you’ve got this balance thing under control. 🙂 Lots of love + cheering for you, my friend. Thanks for stopping by. Lets collab! I will email you! xx

  13. love this!! you are such a great momma, love the way you write– makes me feel like you are sitting right in front of me haha but really– love the honesty and sincerity!!

  14. I found your Instagram through small fry or jennaskitchen I can’t remember which, your pictures are lovely but your heart and sentiment in your posts even more so. So lovely when you read something that jumps out as something you feel the same in your own heart,especially when it involves the way as a parent.going to look at the book you mention.glad to have found your blog and follow your colourful pictures. Gillian

  15. Oh I needed every bit of this! Found myself nodding yes, and feeling done ah-HA moments too! Thank you for sharing your heart. You blessed me today. 🙂

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