We don’t have a yard right now. Which means that we spend A LOT of time on our balcony. The boys would play outside sun up to sun down if they could, so we have worked extra hard this summer to make the front little balcony a place that we love. We dream of the day we are able to send them outback to burn a little energy, but in the mean time we’ll soak up our impromptu hot dog roasts before bed, the view overlooking the city + jump inside on our mini-trampoline.
half eaten mallow’s put back in the bowl #myfave #nast

party lights to make things legit. not pictured: i think we’re alone now on repeat.
^ ^ G U I L T Y ^ ^
There’s kind of a running joke around here that we won’t ever have expensive furniture until the kids are out of the house. I literally feel like every bit of furniture we have right now is broken or hanging by a limb in some way. I’m used to lots of little sisters, so boys bring a different dynamic to my scene that I’m still trying to figure out. They play HARD hard hard. Sun up to sun down. Finding furniture that is kid-friendly, indoor/outdoor + won’t break the bank is tricky. But believe it or not, Costco has been pulling through lately. I love that they carry Lifetime products from time to time. Lifetime is the same company that makes the wiggle cars that we love so much. We scored this table a couple of weeks ago + we are super stoked on it. I’m not even kidding. It’s wipeable, cute AND indestructible, which is huge for kiddos who play hard. You can find the set (with folding table) at Costco right now!! (Unless they’re sold out, ha) Jonah dubbed the green “turtle” chair + Rigg scored the blue. Riggins pushes his chair room to room throughout the day + it makes me laugh so hard.

We decided to keep the fire pit out for winter this year. Snuggling around the fire with a warm steamer on a cold winter night? Yes please!!
I am seriously in love with your little blog!! You and your darling family are just perfect.
Courtney — Thank you so much, that sure is sweet of you! xx