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Lake Las Vegas

MUSTELA!!! Guys, have you ever tried this sunscreen? I’m bummed I didn’t tell you about it at the fist of the summer. It has been a game changer for us! We tease Jon for being the sunscreen police on any warm weather vacation. He averages 1 bottle of sunscreen per body each day. But when he found this sunscreen, I ate my words super quick, I’m totally on board. The Mustela sunscreen stick was fun for Jonah to help out with on his cheeks + is completely paraben, phenoxyethanol, phthalates + alcohol free! My body pretty much breaks out the second I change up any skin care routine, ESPECIALLY my legs. Hello Razor burn – Aint no body got time for that at the pool. Mustela is the FIRST sunscreen I have been able to put on my legs + didn’t want to scream when I got into the lake. This stuff is amazing! The play safe in the sun kit comes with pretty much all of my favorites + lets you try them out. You can thank me later 😉

Lake Las Vegas with the P crew was such a blast. We had a ball together.
We basically had the pool + the beach + the water-slide all to ourselves for the week.
We threw Jessie a birthday party on the beach, scarfed down the yummiest pizza in the city,
forgot to leave the keys when we dropped the car off at valet,
only sank one canoe + introduced everyone to Raising Canes.

Riggy loved eating the sand + watching the big kids jump in + out of the pool all day long, but he wasn’t the biggest fan of his sun hat.
Jonah is obsessed with the water + although it makes me nervous how brave he is, it was fun to watch him light right up when he went down the slide all by himself for the first time.
Jonboy. Such a good sport. He launched + launched + launched all the kids more times than I could count.

I feel fortunate to have such incredible friends who get along this well with our family. We click, the husbands click + the kids even click. Already stoked for next summer’s PPP family vacation!

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8 thoughts on “Lake Las Vegas

  1. Amanda – – – – Thanks for your sweet words. I’m glad I finally had a minute to get them posted. It was such a lovely trip. Thanks for stopping by, sweet friend. xx

  2. I love all of these pictures! i actually grew up in las vegas so this takes me back to my youth. what a fun little trip, also LOVE Raising Canes (my brother always takes me there).
    I must try out that sunscreen, as one of the palest girls in the world, i’m always playing with new sunscreens haha.

  3. K&R — Is Raising Canes not the most incredible place ever!!? I dream of that sauce. How fun to grow up in Vegas. I’m sure you’ve been to the Lake then, it’s wonderful! Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoy Mustela as much as we do!! Happy weekend to you. xx

  4. Such fun and beautiful photos! I just love reading your blog and following you on insta. Where are your beautiful bracelets from? They always look so great.

    Best wishes to you!
    Ella 🙂

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