Family time is my most favorite time of all. We packed our weekend with special little moments + enjoyed every last second of our time together. I love that we can do absolutely nothing + still find ourselves in a hiccup invested puddle of happy tears in an instant. The boys went to the Jazz game on Friday so us girls went for ice cream. They went to Priesthood together on Saturday + we threw a little girls night at Bella Me Boutique. We woke up to homemade cinnamon rolls, raspberries + fresh orange juice from my mom. That lady, she is the most thoughtful, loving, down right classy woman on earth. I don’t know how I got so lucky! We were enlightened by the incredible words from the leaders of our Church + their beautiful testimonies. I put together a few things for Jonah to work on during conference because when you’re little, 2 hour increments with everyone watching TV are a very long time. 🙂 He is growing up so fast. He is eager to learn + very receptive to projects, if I take the time to plan them. We would all melt into a puddle when he would say amen after each speaker.
General Conference left me feeling like I could conquer the world. Ready to take things on head first. We drive by the Conference Center almost every day + often take it for granted. I love the tulips + the blossoms that this time of year bring. I especially LOVED elder Uchtdorf’s talk about being grateful in all circumstances. (BUT I still can’t spell his name for the life of me) We should strive to incorporate gratitude into our daily happenings. The good, the bad, the happy + especially the hard times.
“We need to seek gratitude as a disposition, a way of life that stands independent of our current situation, whatever that may be. They choice is ours. Being grateful in time of distress does not mean that we are pleased with our circumstances. It does mean that through the eyes of faith we look beyond our present-day challenges. The choice is ours. We can choose to limit our gratitude based on the blessings we feel we lack. . . or we can choose to be grateful no matter what. This type of gratefulness transcends whatever is happening around us. It surpasses disappointment, discouragement and despair. It blooms just as beautifully in the icy landscape of winter as it does in the blessed warmth of summer.”
I love that. Am I still grateful when things aren’t exactly going my way? Everyone is fighting their own battle, whether it’s plastered for the world to see or not. You can listen to this amazing talk right here.
Next time we drive to Logan for a visit, I need to take a video when we turn the corner before Grandma + Grandma’s house. Jonah starts screeching “I can see you playhouse, I can reeeeally see you. hi Gampa’s Tramp, hi “my” playhouse, Hiii Bo. I see you Gamma’s Flowers. I seeee you” He loves it + I love that he loves it because I LOVE IT too! Even Riggins starts crawling extra fast + drooling the big drools when we get there. I adore watching my parents eyes light up when we pull in + getting texts from my dad asking if we are here yet before I’m even out of bed. They make the best grandparents. I’m grateful that they have always put their family as first priority. They make us feel so special + so loved every single time we visit. Absolutely no place like home.
I just stumbled across your blog the other day and I think its so great! Sounds like a perfect weekend to me!
Amy – – – welcome, welcome sweet girl! Thank you for your kind words. I’m so glad you’re here!
I will never forget how hard I cried when you guys left that weekend. I said goodbye + walked straight into mom + dad’s room and just cried to mom like a baby. Life is always sweeter when your family is in town. I cherish the moments I get to spend with your boys. I love nothing more than being their aunt. Thanks for always making such an effort to come to gamma + bampas because we all look so forward to when you do. In heaven, we are all going to live in the same neighborhood. I just know it.