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Do you know how to share?

Sharing is hard when you’re 2.
Sharing is hard when you’re 3 + 5 + 18 + 27, too.
Who teaches people to share, anyways? Birds?
Because I often think sharing is for the freaking birds.

Jonah has had a rough time sharing lately. But the other day he shared his “special baseball” with Riggins without being asked + I was floored. THIS IS HUGE, guys. He doesn’t share that thing with an.y.b-o-d-y. He will share his regular baseball + dad’s baseball mitt, but if you ask him to have a turn with his baseball mitt or his special baseball, I’ll bet you a buck it ends in tears.
This S word has been consuming many of my thoughts. Sharing is interesting on many different levels. The opposite of Sharing? Not sharing, simple. Or keeping it for yourself which is aka being selfish, right? My mom has super powers in the sharing department. I can honestly say that I don’t ever remember fighting over clothes growing up, or french fries, or anything with my siblings really. She taught us how to share from a very young age. She might have a different side of the story, but that’s how I remember it. Why can’t I do this with my kids? Granted they are currently 2 years old + 6 months, but still.
I have decided that sharing is something we learn over + over + over as adults. I’m talking deeper than the “he gets 3 minutes with the baseball, then you get 3” kind of sharing at the park. I’m talking really, truly, sincerely, genuinely being happy for the success other people are having when you want it SO bad for yourself. This motherhood rollercoaster brings out this sillly “my way is the best way” obnoxious beast in each of us at different times. One of my favorite blogs, Lunchpails + Lipstick put this quote on instagram the other day – “CHEERING FOR THE UNDERDOG IS EASY, NOW TRY CHEERING FOR THOSE WHO ARE DOING BETTER THAN YOU.”  Gulp. Amen, amen + amen. I love that. I feel like it’s much harder, but it’s so much more important. It feels like we live in this world where the more followers or friends you have the cooler you are. These numbers prove that you must be a better mother or friend or neighbor + definitely a better decorator. 😉 You know, like when someone has 4,000 more twitter followers than you do when you have been tweeting some super hilarious jokes or posting the best pictures ever? What about congratulating your cousins who found out they are pregnant when you have been trying for 3 years. It might sound stupid, or harsh, but when I compare these situations to sharing a “special” baseball in the grand scheme of life, it’s all just as important. How do we expect to teach our kids to share, when we don’t know how to share ourselves? Whether it’s happiness or success or chips + salsa. Don’t be afraid to share your “special” things, not just the stuff that is easy to share. We all need each other + as soon as everyone is on the same page that there isn’t a cap to the amount of success we are each allotted, we will live in a much, much happier place- – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – drops the mic awkwardly + walks off the stage.
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13 thoughts on “Do you know how to share?

  1. That was inspirational and thought provoking. It’s so true that people have a natural “scarcity” mindset. It seems so easy to think that when someone gets something that you want that, that means there is less for you. We all need to empower each other more no matter what stage of life a person is in, or popularity or lack of popularity they have. 🙂 Beautiful pictures of your littles!

  2. You always know just what to say + I am continually in awe of your expertise. You have a heart of pure gold and are continually looking out for others no matter what the cost is for you. I know I say this all the time but I am too lucky to know someone like you. Thanks for making me a better person and inspiring me to do better every day.

  3. As you are walking off stage, I’m standing and applauding. 🙂 P.S. I think Jonah and Cameron would be best friends/worst enemies. Today I pored him a bowl of Reese’s Puff (healthy, I know…) and then took ONE piece out and ate it and he MELTED THE HECK DOWN. Hysterics. Tears. Timeout. Oh my.

  4. Amber – – – Thank you kindly for relating to this post so well. I love your take on it + couldn’t agree with you more. -Seek to live a life that feels good on the inside, not just looks good on the outside- is my next little rant, that you lead right in to. Words I try to live by every single day. Thanks for being supportive! xx

  5. Morgs Parrish – – – Alright. You done me in + made me cry. Maybe I’m just emotional lately, but I don’t know what I did marry in to such an incredible family. I love you every single red SPK in the world. Thanks for being my friend. Thanks for being my incredible sister. LOVE YOU! xx

  6. Ashley – – – HAHA I am dying. I love when you share stories about your kids. So hilarious + makes me feel like hey, I am normal after all. Maybe it’s a Webb thing? 😉

    I can relate PERFECTLY to that little cereal scenario! Although I’m not much of a Reese’s Puff fan, I cry when someone swipes my cereal as well.

    Thanks for the love, sweet friend! xx

  7. We only met each other once at USU, but I love your blog and Insta feed. I don’t check blogs very often but I’m so glad I checked this week, because I really needed to hear this. Thank you!Among other more important things I need to work on, I do not share chips and salsa well…

  8. Thanks for making me cry. At work. In front of all my friends. 😉 But seriously, this hit hard. But in a good way. A way that makes me WANT to be the kind of person who can cheer for everyone. No matter what. You always have a way of inspiring me to be better. Thank you for sharing, even when it’s not awesome + perfect.

  9. You make this world a better place. But seriously. Your words, advise, thoughts + feelings come straight from your heart + everyone can feel that. You have a heart of gold + I am so glad that we get to be best friends foreeevvvvver (sandlot style). You help me keep life into perspective + realize what is truly important. I love you sis! Thanks for being such an example to me.

  10. I love stumbling across inspiring and happy blogs! Thank you for putting a little bit of you out there for me to read 🙂 this really helped me today.

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