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wus good

i married a man who starts and ends every road trip with a 5 verse beep box sesh.
i don’t ever remember being obsessed with disney movies as a child.
i loved lorenzo, arthur, riding the four wheeler, and playing store with kylee.
i broke my phone screen a few months ago + brendon fixed it all up at jonah’s birthday bash.
it decided to stop working on sunday night, so i drove to thanksgiving point to pick up his extra one.
i can text jon and sue, but no one else. i have had it up to my ears with this technology nonsense.
BUT i will be the first in line when apple decides to release the 5. mark my words.
sue gets married in less than 27 hours and beck enters the MTC in 4.
jonah has been sick, and is still asleep in my lap. he also sleeps with his golf clubs.
we are headed to vegas for the weekend.
and that, that is all for this morning.


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One thought on “wus good

  1. sssssss ttttttttt ooooooo ppppppp

    soo much cry laughing face right now..! WUS GOOD? holy crap, i died! i’m dying!!

    thank you. thank you, my friend. how can i ever repay you for this?
    they can’t stop won’t stop!

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