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Sick family household update + ramblings on life

It happened. I did it. I had my first faking sick to stay home from school experience. Brought back too many memories of my own failed attempts growing up. Cue Sacrament meetings spent trying to convince Mom if I didn’t go get a drink right then my throat was going to fall out of my body. She never gave in. EVER. I swore I’d never do that to my own kids – – – but I guess that’s just being a mom. 🙂 Over time I’ve had a few moments I felt like I was becoming a parent + really finding my groove. Not all messes are easily cleaned up by the WaterWipes we buy in bulk. IE: our finger painting shenanigans below. Man they come in handy.

Rigg got strep a couple of weeks back + we’ve slowly passed it through the family. Jack is just finishing up. It gets passed around + around + around. Mo works at Instacare + she warned me about this. The sharing of the dang STRAWS will be the death of us. I buy WaterWipes in bulk + keep a pack in each main location so I don’t have to lug them around all day every day. One in the van, one in the diaper bag, one in the bedroom, one in the kitchen, etc. I’m all about that Mom Hack. In fact, WaterWipes contain 99.9% water & a drop of fruit extract and are the World’s Purest Baby Wipes, which I feel is a metaphor for how I try to share my life with you guys on here – – -pure, stripped back + sometimes helping to clean up the messes of motherhood.

I’ll hand it to him, when screen time isn’t an option, Jonah comes up with the most random balllllin (Jon’s words) ideas. He was jazzed to race his laundry basket down the block with Siri on the timer. ‘Twas all fun + games until the wheels buckled on us. Wooooof.

Brace yourself, the next half of the blogpost is brought to you by lack of sleep, a humbled heart + a mother who is just trying her best to be a good human. Even with our boys growing up + not really being a “new” mom anymore, I am constantly learning things that I hadn’t learned with each boy.  Life is full of moments that make me feel like I am a being born as a parent again, which really relates to the message behind WaterWipes. “When a baby is born, a parent is born. You guys can check out their awesome video here. 

I keep things pretty surface level around here. But if there’s something I’ve learned over the years, it’s power in vulnerability. This isn’t really a secret, but it’s something that has really helped me work through some sticky stuff in life + I’m happy to report that I’m really feeling like I’m getting somewhere. I feel more comfortable in my own skin than I ever have in my whole life.  I’ve been working with the world’s most incredible life coach to develop tips for myself to not be swallowed by my feelings. Or lack thereof. Without getting too deep into the why’s, I want to focus on Jonah. Gosh I love that kid. I can’t type without crying. We schedule meetings + conversations while J is in school, but he caught the tail end on the way home from last week  + I’m still a bit torn on a couple of things:
1. Do you talk about hard things in front of your kids? With your kids? Or is personal life personal?
2. Do you think you should?
Gahh maybe don’t answer either of those – – – mostly just food for thought.

“I’ll be your friend if yours aren’t nice.” JONAH age 6

He woke up yesterday + that was the first thing he said to me. I loved him for it, I love him for it, + I want to remember it forever. He’s asked me once a day if “I’ve done something nice for a friend yet?”  Which is interesting because I don’t necessarily ask my kids this per say? But I did have a heart-to-heart with him after he overheard the conversation I just mentioned after school.  He recognized that my feelings were hurt + I guess came to the conclusions that the quickest way to make your feelings feel better, is to go help brighten someone else’s day? Like duh. 
Probably. But I refuse to take credit here. His heart is in a place where I strive to live my life. His lens sees the simple meanings. His lens is always pure.
Motherhood sure is beautiful. But how the heck am I supposed to get it right when I have my own crap to work through? Maaany hats, I tell you what.

That’s enough unloading for today. But the one other thing that I’m certain about at this point in my life is this: Jack’s rat tail. That thing makes us smile all day long
Thanks for being here, thanks for listening. Welllll, reading. Hope you always know how much I appreciate you!

xx, Ginger

This post is sponsored by WaterWipes. All opinions expressed above are my own +not those of the company.