S W E E T S: visiting with greg + britt | cleaning out the warehouse | fresh trim from phil (my go to hair shape expert in SLC, UT) | celebrating jack’s birthday | rigg’s screenshots in the camera roll of his dream bedroom | playing heads up seven up in the chili’s waiting room | the boys completely spartan race | rigg taking very first in his age group | shooting pics with mo | watching jack’s face light up when the big boys brought in junkfood breakfast | jonah building his new scooter by himself | leopard loopy coming back in stock (ginger for 10% off loopy code) | nordstrom sale order finalllly arriving | back to school shopping with the boys | jack sleeping in until 11:30 on sunday | cleaning out the garage | meeting with elizabeth hales design to finalize outer elements of our home | grandma turning 91
now, the sours. because I think they are important to document + just as fun to look back on.
S O U R S: discovering a waterfall in our lot | getting 2 cups suctioned together on the way to work + drinking out of them anyways | leaving my car keys on my back bumper for not 1, but 2 full days | forgetting to break the “pinky yotta” with jack + the cousins | grandma getting sick again | still having veins galore on my poor shins | broken nails | missing bre | ben getting super sick so we couldn’t go camping | having to re-film an ad THREE TIMES because i couldn’t pronounce the name of it to save my life | jack not loving his hair in a pony tail | reading “kill yourself” on my IG comments

o u t f i t d e t a i l s
GP: dress | white mules
RIGG: button down tee | tie | shorts | socks | shoes
JACK: tee | twill skinny jeans
JONAH: Vans button down tee | skinny jeans | tie | loafers