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Weekend Nothings


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Some weeks I spend my time counting down the hours until the weekend.
Fighting hard to keep my head above water, you know, anticipating the tap out. When it finally arrives, in the blink of an eye, it’s over. Just as fast as it arrived. This mindset drives me bonkers + I get frustrated when I slump into it. BUT, it happens. Making the sweet times that much sweeter when it does. I don’t want to read back in my journal 10 years from now page after page of “I can’t wait until Friday.”NOW IS NOW. A simple review of my mindset makes all the difference in the big picture. This week/weekend was one of these. Jon is the best at picking up my slack. He cooked breakfast with the boys + forced me to sleep in. We cancelled our plans for the weekend + WE STAYED HOME. Good for my heart, good for my mind + really good for refueling my patience levels.