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we be strollin

we like to go for family walks on sunday afternoons.
today the weather was absolutely incredible, and we ended up at liberty park.
jon is always so clever. i couldn’t help but laugh at how many times he turned something into a game. or a race. or a competition.
for example: he made the yummiest of yummy sunday dinners today….
but the first one finished eating had to do the dishes.
we both ended up doing the dishes, only i got sprayed with the hose.
the first one to dry 3 pans and put them away with NO water drops or streaks left on them,
got to choose the park for our sunday stroll.
rock paper scissors who gets to push j in the stroller first,
last one to the end of the sidewalk has to do a headstand.
{i won the drying of the pans, jon got to push jonah first and i had to do a headstand}
 yada yada yada and on and on and on.
neither of us like to lose. unfortunately i’ll tell it to you straight, i’m ususally the loser.
he’s just too good.
but i am getting pretty darn good at justifying my way to the victor spot!
trash talky talk-i have to hold my own being outnumbered and all.
jonah was a total daddy’s boy today. i could hardly contain my proud”ness”. {the good kind of pride}
naturally my coolness level goes up by 95 when i am with these two.  if you want to melt like a snow did on our deck this morning…go take a listen to jonah’s full blown belly laugh as jon makes faces at him in his stroller. there is nothing more rewarding as a mother.
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