Today while I was on a conference call these pictures flashed across my screensaver. I melted dead in my tracks. Are pictures not such a gift? They are to me. Especially these ones! They capture so many raw emotions that words could never describe.
I remember these first moments with riggins so vividly.
Rigg was fresh 3 days old + it was a Sunday afternoon. Jon was still at Church.
My mom + Ky were there helping me get all settled in, but they also needed to be back home.
I was doing everything I could to distract them, anything to make them stay longer.
Jonah was never really shy around Riggs like so many people told me he would be.
He smothered him with his kisses + he still insists on holding him wherever they go.
Rigg always breathed a little louder than normal + made us nervous that something was wrong.
I remember feeling embarassed + completely discouraged when Breastfeeding was just as hard
the second time around. I hate to even admit it, but it’s the honest truth.
I would just shake + shake + shiver to myself trying to figure out those first few weeks
with our new precious boy. Jon tried his best to comfort me.
I remember the newborn scent that engulfed our home completely, justifying the loads
+ loads + loads of laundry needing to be done. We didn’t get dressed very often.
I remember crying in the Smith’s parking lot when I made it out of the house for the first time.
I remember pleading numerous times a day for the strength + courage it would take to raise another little boy.
It’s been over a year now + I still go to bed with some of the same worries. Motherhood is a tricky thing. It has stretched me to my very limits + taught me what love truly is. I’m not sure I will ever fully figure it out, but I do know that these pictures flashed by this morning as a reminder for me that things will be just fine.

Holy cow, this might be my most favorite post ever. Ever. So sweet and sincere. So full of the stresses and pure joys that come along with becoming a mom. You are so special, Ginger. Thank you for reminding me that everything will be ok, because nostalgia has knocked me flat on my face these last few days. Time flies by, especially when raising kids, but there is no where else is rather be. Sometimes I just need a simple reminder. Thank you, thank you!
Morgan – – – If there is one thing I have learend about sharing my deepest feelings on the internet, it’s that true friends develop. They love you for your flaws + champion your kids right along side of you! That is what I think of you. You are such a beautiful mother. We are in this crazy journey together + that’s the beauty. We give eachother strength along the way. Scatter sunshine in a sense. 🙂 Thank you for being brave + letting me know I am not alone either! I think you are special as well! xx
I’m in that spot right now and I FEEL YA on the breastfeeding. I was hoping just because it was my second time around it’d be easy. I admire people who share vulnerability and I think responses like that ^^ show you are truly as genuinely good as you seem.
Also, I know you don’t have an official photography business, but do you ever do shoots for hire? I’m not sure I love anyone’s photography as much as yours. It’s so real!
Love this Ging! So beautifully said. [Heart emoji]
so grateful for pictures and not only the image they capture but the memories they hold forever. beautiful post!
Pictures are treasures!! I love that I can look back on just one picture and have a whole memory
These pictures just make me straight GIDDY! Can’t wait to meet my little one in a few months. Those toes, are you kidding me?! These pictures are sooo priceless. Can’t believe how fast those two have grown up.