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waking up in a snow globe

yesterday i went christmas crazy at target. my cousin recently taught me about the cartwheel target app + i was bound to try it out. have you given it a whirl?  as if target wasn’t already the bomb. go download it + thank me later. it’s a dangerous store, i cannot get enough. addicting + dangerous, not the safest combo but it is what it is. it’s november 5 + i’ve got the holiday itch. we’ve asked jonboy to put up the christmas tree 4 times. it just comes + goes so fast, i can’t help it. we had family night in the car last night. we drove around, listened to this talk again while we soaked up the last of the orange leaves. we had no idea when we went to bed what we’d be waking up to. a white washed balcony + jonah screeching NOOOOOOO. {snow in jonah terms} white + dreamy as dreamy can be. my bedheaded jammy wearing boys shoveled the driveway + i officially pressed play on the carrie underwood holiday pandora station – – – brace yourself, no turning back now.

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7 thoughts on “waking up in a snow globe

  1. Heather – – – I don’t think we had the time to realize that fall was over! We need to watch the news more I think 🙂 good luck!! Hope you’re sleeping in your fuzzy socks! XX

  2. I love the cartwheel app! I’ve also been trying to convince my husband that we need to put up the tree, but unfortunately I haven’t been having any luck. I’m so ready to just skip November and go to December!

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