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#THEPARRISHPLACE | bathroom edition

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I love hearing all about bathroom do’s + don’ts from y’all. Just shared a question on Instagram seeing if you’d put a urinal in your boys bathroom – can’t wait to see what people say! One thing I love is a bath + you betchyaaaaa booty a master bath was definitely on my do list! I haven’t had a good one in a few years.

spoiler alert : I share a bathroom with 4 boys with a shower | bath combo that’s pretty tight.

I think I have PTSD from this condo + we ended up only doing one shower/bath combo in the new house. One bathroom with a shower curtain! That’s it! At one point we thought about waterproofing the boys bathroom – all tile. Think about hosing that thing down instead of cleaning it! #MOMWIN If you have boys you know there’s pee everywhere, or at least I hope I’m not the only #boymom feeling like this.

The image above is some inspo for the bathrooms in our house. Excited to see if we stick with the plan or end up switching it up! Stay tuned! You can see more of our bathroom inspo on this Pinterest Board.


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