When it comes to holiday traditions, I usually stick to what I knew growing up. Holidays were never brushed under the rug. My mom changed decorations for every single one + I love her even more for it now. I want my kids to be able to say the same thing when they are older. St Patricks Day was no exception. My mom would make us green eggs with bacon + green pancakes with a green cup of green milk. Green. Lots of green. We wore green, we ate green + although I’m certain we didn’t take pictures of our food, I still remember it vividly. I had every single intention of recreating this green breakfast yesterday, but I was sound asleep when Jon left for work. {palm + forehead unite} Jonah, my food twin, loves his cereal. He had a bowl of Lucky Charms + didn’t think twice about it so I called it good. I printed out a couple of coloring pages from pinterest for him to color, which is actually kind of funny because he’s not usually into coloring, but since he thought the pot of gold was a bucket of golf balls, he was totally digging it! We hand delivered it to Jon with a pot of green hi-chews. His favorite candy in the entire world. {My very very very LEAST favorite candy, might I selfishly add. Hello worst.breath.ever.} Once he got home, we found the perfect excuse for a Sweet Pork Salad run + we had a festive “green” dinner at home, as a family. I whipped up some green milk for desert + then boys went to bed – jiggety jig. That’s our St Patricks day in a nutshell. Now lets break it down a little deeper shall we?
I thought that the big bag of hi-chews I bought at Costco on saturday was pretty genius. I knew Jon would be stoked because I NEVER buy them. Like, ever. He totally was. So why the crap did I feel like I failed as wife yesterday? Why was my mom plate empty after the kids went to bed? Because one way or another, I got distracted from the big picture. Remember the green milk I mentioned that I made? Well, Jonah dropped not one but TWO full bottles of it onto the floor. Even though I swear everything is more dramatized at night time, it taught me a life lesson that I much needed to be reminded of. Once that glass shattered for the second time, I stepped back + what did I do? I cried. Ha! Don’t cry over spilled milk, right? Right. Because why? IT DOESN’T MATTER. It doesn’t matter that I slept through our green breakfast or didn’t know that “The Leprechaun” comes to houses + classrooms bringing golden treats. Nor does it matter if the milk was green or white or pink or gold. Kids don’t need all the fancy festive decorations to feel loved. I might, but they don’t. 😉 At least they don’t at my house. They will remember our drive to Cafe Rio playing the irish accent game where dad spilled juice out his nose way before any of the stuff I was stressing about. Being a mother is hard sometimes. Like really really freakin’ hard. At the same time, it’s very rewarding. Life is all about perspective. Pretty sure I’m saying this all to myself so that I am smarter {+ calmer} next time the milk is dropped. Happy St Patty, sweet friends. I hope you had a fun day!
You are the sweetest mom, no doubt your boys absolutely adore you. I have had breakdowns over much less than spilled milk. It just causes our boys to give us a few more loves, right? 😉 Sounds like a perfect day to me!! Xo
G! I’ve been feeling the same I needed to read this to remind to focus on what really really matters. Thanks girl.
Your perspective on life is incredible. I look forward to your posts every single time you blog. You make me want to be a better person. I love you!
I love this,Ginger. My mom was the same growing up….recognizing each holiday in a simple way, just enough to make it seem like a not so normal day. With my children now I enjoy carrying over her traditions like a small treat from Cupid, green pancakes for St. Pat’s, or a silly joke on April fools. This year I forgot to color the pancakes green and I’m glad I’m not the only one who didn’t know about the leprechaun was supposed to visit 😉 I am thankful for this post and you sharing your perspective. You’re right, being a mom can be hard and when you start comparing yourself to others it gets even harder. Focusing on the simple things and just giving your children all you can is what matters. Pretty sure my girls won’t remember “that one time mom forgot to color the pancakes green.” Thanks Ginger, :).
miss ginger. you are the absolute cutest thing and such an inspiration to me! love this blog of yours.
I am in love with your blog, thank you for posting the reality of life instead of what you think everyone wants to hear!
Morgan – – – spoken from a true gem of a mother. thank you for saying such kind things! i adore you! xx
Alex – – – It’s so easy to get distracted as mom’s. I’m afraid I’m the worst, but I’m happy that I was able to help you in a small way. Thanks for being my friend! I need to come see you soon xx
Sandy – – – Your comment means so much to me. Thank you for taking the time share your memories with me + to remind me what an incredible family you have! I think the world of each one of you Petersen’s! 🙂 It makes my heart so warm to hear that I am not alone, because you are exactly right. I am glad that you commented so that I could click over to your photography blog + catch a small glimpse into your world. What incredible talent! Those girls are lucky to have you! Thanks for your example. XX
Kenzie – – – I hope our paths cross in real life soon! You seem like the sweetest of the sweet. Thanks for your friendship. xx
Ciourtney – – – What a sweet compliment! Thank you kindly for reading! xx