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s e a t t l e

jonboy sent a sales team up to seattle last summer.
which meant that we got the chance to fall in love with that magical city.
n a t u r a l l y.

|| nose bleeds at the mariners game. jonah was in heaven. jon was in heaven. i was just nauseous. ||

it was one of our last little trips as a family of 3 before riggins arrived. i was 7 1/2 months pregnant + on a social media cleanse. for the record, i still took 90,000 pictures but we just kept them to ourself. {it’s leaving me a tad-bit overwhelmed in the editing department because i want to share every single one of them, but don’t exactly know where to start) i’m not sure what i imagined seattle to be, but i was very surprised when my expectations totally knocked me out of the park. i’d even go as far as to say that i liked it better than NYC. who am i? i L O V E the big apple. but seattle won me over before i even had time to think twice. i dig that slow pace lifestyle + those free spirited people. all of our cares went bye-bye for a week. we jam packed every thing we could possibly think of into our first trip. pike’s place has been on my bucket list for as long as i can remember. as well as the gum wall, Bainbridge, the space needle + buying fresh peonies from the corner market. i loved it all. the people, the smells, the shopping, the traffic, fresh flowers, my boys, the ferries, hand made ice cream + even the rain. every single bit of it!


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7 thoughts on “s e a t t l e

  1. I love seeing family trips! This reminds me I have too put up some of our trip pictures from this summer… your right so much editing! πŸ˜€ But you always do a fantastic job with your posts πŸ™‚ !! Looking forward to seeing more family trips but with Baby Riggins this time πŸ˜€

    Stephanie Vainer

  2. Stephy – – – you are so sweet + coming from you what a MAJOR compliment. I love your eye for the simple moments that mean the most. You are an incredible photographer. I’m also looking forward to more family trips. πŸ™‚ We are due for one soon.


  3. Kay – – – it was one of my very favorite family vacations so far. thank you for your kind words + for stopping by. have a good week!

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