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Rigg Smash

two year old gift guide thor


pusherhulkYELLOW. (Pronounced yeh-yoh) is your favorite color. We blew up as many yellow balloons as we could without passing out after you fell asleep + hid a few treats around your room tonight. We’ve only had bunkbeds for a couple of months, but you rock the top bunk like you’ve done it all your life. Most of your energy is saved for the ones you love the very most, which is something I really admire about you. You say hi to everyone you see, but when someone says hello to you first, you hesitate. You are teaching mama to do the same + are a constant reminder that a simple life, is a beautiful life. You watch Jonah’s every move + are the peacemaker in our home. You do what you’re told, love your dad, your grandpa + hulk smash more than anyone else. You’re happy. You’re easy to love. You still sleep in like a teenager + when you wake up tomorrow morning, you’ll officially be a two year old.