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remember me?

hi there. ‘tas been a while, eh? i’ve been missing you lately. but i’m not going to lie, at first i didn’t really miss you at all. i enjoy blogging. in fact, i really love it. i especially enjoy my family. i enjoy sharing our adventures. i enjoy taking pictures + i also enjoy editing them. it’s the pressure that i don’t enjoy. did you know that there is pressure that comes along with blogging? maybe it’s just me, i’m not really sure. but during this break that i’ve taken away from it all, i’ve tried to honestly pinpoint exactly what this pressure even is. where does it come from? what does it mean? does everyone feel it? here is the definition that i came up with.

it’s me. it’s my pride. it’s my perfectionism. it’s my crazy overprotective-mom ways. it’s jealousy. it’s feelings of inadequacy + comparison. it’s impatience. it’s fear. do you see something repeating itself here? it’s ME. it’s all inside of my head + guess who put it there?  me. no one is secretly putting pressure in my life when i’m not watching, no matter how bad i wanted to believe that. no one is sitting back grading me on how good of a mom i am, or how pretty our lunch was today. it’s ME doing it to MYSELF. it’s not until i recognized this little (kind of embarrassing, hard to admit) thing that was consuming my thoughts, that i could actually knock it off + get over it. our blog is a place where document our life. the place where i can look back on brighter days to help me get through a gloomy ones. a place where everyone is welcome, no pressure, no forced friendships + lots of real life happenings.

so, with that said. i am not going to commit to blogging 3 times a week or posting to instagram every single day. i am just going to tell you that i am content with my life. i am at peace with who i have become as a mother, a wife + a friend. i also know that i have a long way to go, but i have discovered the recipe to keeping myself grounded. you betchu booty i am trying my hardest to live every moment rather than stressing over “stupid crap” (jon’s words) that i cannot control. i am happy + it feels good!

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6 thoughts on “remember me?

  1. ginger-i love you and this is amazing–exactly what i know a lot of us feel. You know what–you are incredible and you “get it”-you know what is important and hold tight to that. i sure think the world and admire you!. xoxo

  2. Sue – – – thank you for being the best friend there ever was. i wish you + mark would sleepover every night. best weekend! love you.

  3. Sharstin – – – here’s the thing. you have never left me a comment that didn’t bring the biggest smile to my face. thank your for your support. it means the world to me! you are a mom + friend that i look up to in many, many ways. love you friend!

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