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R.I.P. whit

for valentine’s day in 4th grade i got the mariah carey cd #1. kylee got whitney houston’s my love is your love. that’s right about the same time i realized my destiny was not in music. kylee, cody, dan and mo stole all of those genes. kind of rude, but i’m over it. i’ve faced the fact that singing beautifully, on key, and in front of someone besides jon and jonah is something i have to look forward to in the next life.
i honestly try my very hardest to stay on tune in sacrament meeting, and come up out of breathe or light headed before the third verse every single time. the word karaoke makes me want to fake sick. jon wrote a song and sang it to me at our wedding luncheon…and i cried. mostly because it was the most adorable thing anyone has ever done for me, and partly because there was a line about singing along with him. cardiac arrest for sure.  but hey, to cut myself a little slack, i know every single word to my child development cd from high school, and my husband could take you in a freestyle competition with his eyes closed.
back to the point i was trying to make…
whitney houston. she was such a beautiful woman. we will always love her in our home…

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