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punkin pickin’

last week we schemed the greatest surprise-attack that logan has ever seen.
they didn’t see us coming + boy did it feel GREEEEEAAAAT!
{i had frosted flakes for breakfast today, thank you very much}
we drove up there in the middle of the day + didn’t tell anyone.
i wish i knew more about videography, because the look on kylee’s face was worth a million bucks.
grandma finally got to take jonah to pick out a punkin at the pumpkin patch.
she has only been waiting to do that all summer.
he left with one in each hand + a permagrin painted on his mug.
those two make up the dreamteam, an unstoppable pair.
if you haven’t noticed, my mom is theee bees kneeees!
lucky me. lucky jonah. especially lucky me.
happy fall ya’ll.

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3 thoughts on “punkin pickin’

  1. All the photos looks amazing and I love the outfit of your baby as well as you!

    Will love to know more about your blog and your family! Glad to be your first follower at Bloglovin!


  2. i could stare at your pictures all day! love the light and how you capture everything. cutest little outing ever. xo

  3. jonah j has no idea how much love he has brought to this family. there is never a dull moment with him in town. i feel so lucky to be his aunt. we share something special. i am grateful that i get to be there to watch him grow and develop throughout his life.

    i love you j.

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