today is grandma webb’s birthday. she passed away a little over a year ago, and i still miss her every single day. she lived a life full of love and compassion. grandma is someone i look to for strength, because i know that she is watching over me. i believe that she took care of little jonah until it was time for us to meet him. grandma was there for me when i went through one of the hardest times in my life. never judging me, and always reassuring me that i could over come anything with the help of our Savior. she taught me that the right thing isn’t always the easiest thing, but that it’s always worth it. she made this awful time a little bit easier, and looking back, i know this moment in time was a tender mercy from my heavenly father. i will be forever grateful for her kind example. i miss her hugs, her “jazzy” jokes, her sarcasm, and her love. she hated getting older and having to miss out on our ball games. grandma taught me how to scrapbook and how to be a friend to everyone. she did not judge anyone, and was always on my 5 faves for my cellphone plan. i miss her weekly updates. when i moved to provo, she called me twice a week not just once. she never missed a birthday, or a special occasion. it’s these little things that have stayed with me.
we told grandma that little jonah was on his way just a couple of days before she passed. if i didn’t spill the beans to my mom and dad at 4 weeks she would have been the first to know. . .
“ginger, you have everything it takes to be a wonderful mother. you have been practicing on your little sisters for many years. heavenly father is showing you how much he loves you.
always stay close to him, and the rest will work out.”
i will always remember this advice.
grandma, we are so lucky to have you. thank you for the legacy you left behind.
i cannot wait until we get to see you again.
made me cry. grandma’s are the BEST