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morgan’s 17 birthday loves

  1. mo’s heart is made of gold.
  2. mo is kind, patient, and has beautiful hair.
  3. mo smells better than anyone in the world. jonah recognized her scent before mine + yes, i was jealous.
  4. mo knows every word to every song ever sang.
  5. mo loves being an aunt.
  6. it’s easy to be happy when i’m around her.
  7. mo has a special relationship with jon that i just can’t explain.
  8. mo is the youngest of four sisters and she doesn’t act spoiled or bratty when she has every right to.
  9. her calves make my jealous blood cells boil. seriously you guys, they are perfect.
  10. mo is selfless. she doesn’t need attention to be happy, she is a truly genuine person.
  11. mo is honest!
  12. mo can dance better than all of the girls in our family combined. including you, mom 🙂
  13. mo works at pink’s and we are sno cone addicts, so it works out nice.
  14. mo is always on time.
  15. mo is sincere + i could talk to her about anything!
  16. mo could creme me at ping pong with her eyes closed.
  17. mo is a beautiful daughter of god who knows it, and lives it every day!
happy birthday to you, sweet sister of mine. 
we love you to the moon and back.
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