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love/hate relationship

i like pinterest. i really do. it is such a fantastic venue for me to organize all the wonderful things that i find on the web. however, it’s monday morning, and i cannot think of something i despise more than pinterest today.

let’s name the reasons why, shall we:

1. waste of too much precious time. when Jonah is awake i can think of all the things that i need to get done. but the minute he crashes, my little list just blows out the window when i find myself in front of the computer screen! wide-eyed, giddy, and scrolling or ipadding through about 15 pins a minute.

2. diminished self-worth. do you know how emotionally taxing it is to see so much talent in one place to remind you that you don’t have that crafting ability, that artistic knack, that fashion style, etc? it can make one want to cut her hand off and maybe set herself on fire. (not sure where that quote comes from, jon just says it all the time)

3. creativity stealer. i feel like my brain doesn’t have to be creative anymore because pinterest does the thinking for me. i liked when my brain was my center for innovation, not my pinboard. or when i come up with an idea… and find out the next day that someone else did the same thing, only their photo skills dominated, and it’s making them famous in the pinworld. 

4. uniquely un-unique. any idea that was once an original is now reproduced by the masses. i bet if you walked in to any given house you would find chevron print on pillows, rugs, curtains, lampshades, dogs. everyone on pinterest is obsessed with chevron. myself included. nothing is unique anymore. if I see someone walking down the street with a braid running around the back of her head I won’t think “wow, that’s a neat way to style your do.” instead i’ll think “sucka! you didn’t come up with that. that’s a pin job all the way.” rude, i know.

5. re-pinning. i re-pin. girl, i could beat you in a pinning contest with one hand tied behind my back and my eyes closed. there are just so many things out there that people do that I would never think of – things that would be helpful for me or interest me in the future. but, with all that re-pinning comes an endless list of things that i need “to do.” for me, the more i pin, the more overwhelmed i get. i guess i just need to give myself some perspective, and not use pinterest as my dreamboat and pin every orla kiely dress and anthropolgie chair that comes my way. 

with all that being said, i absolutely love and adore pinterest. i wouldn’t change it, i will probably never make it go away. you will probably find chevron print on my pillows, the latest chicken recipe seasoned just right in my crock pot, and my hair twisted back into 3 small buns. because other people do have awesome ideas. and i’m probably just jealous i didn’t think of it first!

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One thought on “love/hate relationship

  1. i just want you to know that when you posted this, i wrote a whole huge comment on my phone.
    and posted it.
    and somehow someway it is lost somewhere in cyberspace. and i am really upset about it.

    but basically what it said, is that you phrased my own thoughts so, so perfectly!! and i always feel terrible, and not good enough..but precious shawni eyre pothier of 71 toes? my faaaavorite blog currently! all i have done the last three days seriously from sunup to sundown is reeeaaaad her life. she has the best one, but seriously the best outlook. and disclaimers everywhere but she words it perfectly just like you how we always tend to paint the prettiest picture on our blogs, pins, facebook, etc etc etc. but really real life is happening too. but we only ever put out our best, so we’re comparing our worst to everyone else’s best and feel so terrible. but we don’t know the crap that goes on for everybody. cause you know it’s there.

    anyways. what i’m trying to say is that i agree. and that i’m trying really hard to learn good and cute things for myself and for my family. but to also remember when it’s “enough.” where to draw the line. i think that’s so important!
    aaaanyways. i just love you. thanks for staying connected. 🙂

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