Comments on: Library mama drama Ginger Parrish Wed, 14 Aug 2019 05:10:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kelly Ewald Fri, 03 Oct 2014 12:58:56 +0000 You have no idea how much I needed this today! At my little guy’s 6 month check up yesterday I felt guilty when my pediatrician said he isn’t rolling over like he should so he will be a late crawler – and I felt so guilty that I might not be a good mom because of it! Your post has reminded me to focus on what he IS good at – sitting up and being able to stand up with only help balancing! Writing this comment has made me realize how I feel like I was worrying about nothing – my baby will do things as he is ready and just because he might not be “by the book” compared to other kids does not mean something is wrong with him! Rock on mama you are doing a great job with your boys – I can tell your boys feel so loved, which is most important in my book (and God’s)!

By: Ginger Parrish Wed, 01 Oct 2014 17:42:24 +0000 ERIN —- hahahaha how amazingly AWESOME is it that we had the same experiences in different settings?? I am so glad to know that I’m not alone + that I’m not crazy. Haha! It’s all about the ball!! Can we please be nieghbors? Jonah would be so excited to swim in your pool + play ball in the driveway + ride their scooters up to grandma’s house!! If we ever move up to Smithfield, we’re buying the house next door to you! You’re the best. Thanks for sharing your story with me. I really loved reading it! You’re the greatest. Thanks so much, Erin! xx

By: Ginger Parrish Wed, 01 Oct 2014 17:39:36 +0000 Morgan —- Thank you so much for that reminder. It’s so easy to forget if you don’t keep pounding it into your head all day long. Isn’t being a mom such a rollercoaster? 🙂 Adore you girl. Thanks for being so thoughtful. xx

By: mer Mon, 29 Sep 2014 07:33:05 +0000 You’re the sweetest Ginger! And rest assured my kids DO NOT always like to craft. I’m the one more obsessed with it but I do try to make it something we can do together at times and trust me, each kids loves and hates different aspects of it (oh and my kids didn’t start getting into coloring until about 6+ years and really my 8 yr old still insn’t as into is as my younger son is). Pick and choose and know you are a rock star mom!

By: Kenzie Baugh Mon, 29 Sep 2014 03:48:19 +0000 you’re the cutest thing. i hope you know how amazing and what an example you are to me! you are so good at being so positive!!

By: erin faye Sun, 28 Sep 2014 00:22:11 +0000 oh. my word. what makes us say things before we think about them? whatever it is, i’d personally like to have mine removed yesterday. i want to hug that mama so hard. and remind her that it would be okay if her kids didn’t love to color. and that whatever is making her feel the need to point it out isn’t as big of a deal as it feels right now. and theeeen i want to drive all the way to your house and hug you. for being the kind of mama that cries all the way home because that’s how seriously you take your gig. you aren’t messing around in this mom department GP, you’re going for gold. and, i think this is your year. not because your kids aren’t the coloring kind, but because you get up every morning and give them your heart. your real, honest, breakable if it gets hurt too hard, heart. you’re showing them real life and letting them take the parts they want, even if you take the hit on library mornings. what else is more important than that? i love you. even more than yesterday, which was hard to top. xo.

By: Cara Call Sat, 27 Sep 2014 06:50:48 +0000 Props to you for taking your kids to the library! I’m a total home body– not because I don’t like to go out. But I am so scared of being in public with my kids alone. So many unwarranted silly fears, so I get down on myself all the time for being a “bad” mom. But my kids get just as many hugs and kisses as everyone else (maybe more) and they seem to love me all the same. They are the best non judgers I know and someday we will venture out to the library alone. When someone makes you feel less of a great mom just tell them your kids love you the most! 😄

By: Hailey Devine Sat, 27 Sep 2014 03:33:14 +0000 I hate the comparison game. Good for you to see the positive!! I probably would have cried too. The sad part is she probably didn’t realize how hurtful her words were and this is such a great reminder that we need to be careful because everyone is fighting their own battles! You are such a brilliant little Mama and I seriously hope some of your light rubs off on me somehow 🙂

By: Erin Davis Fri, 26 Sep 2014 17:17:36 +0000 I am laughing so hard right now! Ginger! This exact thing just happened to me last night at the USU volleyball game. I was sitting by a friend and her two boys, when she pulled out her crayons and said “my boys will color the WHOLE game, its awesome! Do your boys want to play?” I just laughed at her a little and told her that my kids don’t like to color. She was so shocked! (and I could tell she was judging me a little) I sat there wondering if I was a bad mom, or if my kids weren’t normal. I was judging how good of a mom I was by how much my kids color! What?!?! Her kids sat there nicely and colored, and my kids were off throwing a ball! I finally realized that it’s ok. My kids are unique. I provide my kids with opportunities to be creative, and I’m doing my best. And galldarnit, if my kids would rather throw a baseball or ride their scooter, then so be it! Also, I’m pretty sure our kids would get along great! 😉

By: Morgan Fri, 26 Sep 2014 16:40:03 +0000 We are way harder on ourselves than we need to be. But realizing that is half the battle, right? Your boys clearly adore you, so you know you’re doing LOTS of stuff right. Coloring is highly over rated anyway… 😉 sending lots of love your way and hoping today is better than yesterday. Xo
