SWEETS: R I D I N G in Grandpa’s work truck. P L A Y I N G with Collins in gma + gpa’s playhouse + S I N G I N G Frozen nonstop. A T T E N D I N G the biggest park play group in Parrish history. U P D A T I N G the sweets page of our blog with our favorite posts. S C O R I N G the cutest new pair of cutoff shorts for Riggy boy. Cutoffs all around in this house. F E E D I N G the ducks at Liberty Park. S U P R I S I N G Jonboy with a sticker card at work. S I N G I N G every word to Lil Bow Wow’s Basketball song with Mo + Ky. P L A N N I N G a little summer getaway with the Patten’s + the Pennington’s. We love our friends + can’t wait until June. H E A R I N G Jonah sing the Daniel Tiger sharing song at the park to his friend who kept hogging the shovel – Proudest Mom moment to date.
Your pictures are always so happy.
I enjoy the efforts you have put in this, thanks for all the great posts.