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S W E E T S:  general conference | grandpa’s fruit platter. one word: WATERMELON | 70 degree weather + birkenstocks | splitting a gigantic root beer freeze | the zooooo with laura, minnie + lou |  GNO | snapping a few pics of the patten gals | front lawn shenanigans with our neighbors | surprise daffodils from kelly + her girls | dinner at EVA | completing traffic school | JESSIE’S IN TOWN #bestshoppingbuddy | 3 separate adventures to the capital to check out the popcorn trees | bella me dresses. i maybe wore the same dress almost every day this week, maybe | riggins watching curious george while standing at the side of the bed next to j | jonboy dusting off his harley + taking it for a spin | good news about my broken lens | cap’n crunch berries on mega sale, baby!


now, the sours. because I think they are important to document + just as fun to look back on.


S O U R S: olive breaking her poor little arm | diaper rash | jonah packing 2 new duffle bags for his baseball game every half hour | leaving the wash in the washer over the weekend | sensitive teeth {I LOVE POPSICLES, DANGIT} | jonah falling off the swing-set | weeding all the flower beds | seth + mikell leaving for texas | broken internet | traffic school | burning frozen pizza. hello, embarrassing | jonah’s reeesty sock hating feet | all caught up on parenthood | the tears when we left grandma + grandpa’s house | flat tires on both of our road bikes | not getting our car rack in time for this weekend’s adventure
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7 thoughts on “Lemonade

  1. Couldn’t have survived GNO without you! Thanks for always having my back + being so willing to step in to help with that game face of yours.

    By the way – – – this sweet + sour thing you got going on is my FAVORITE. Keep it up, slugger.

  2. I LOVE your blog. I stumbled upon it through your insta back in the day and am always so uplifted each time you post. Plus, your pictures are always dreamy.

  3. Kylee- – – Thanks for being you! I still have no idea what I did in Heaven to have such amaaazing sisters! Love you! Thanks for the support. xx

  4. Ali – – – That warms my heart. Thank you for saying such kind words! I am glad that you are here + hope that you always feel welcome! Happy day to you. xx

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