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l e m o n l y

while jon + i were dating we called our rough times the “lemons”. you know, the on + off again scenario – – – that was us. naturally. when we finally came to our senses, looked passed the lemons + decided that we couldn’t live without eachother, we named the ending our “lemonade.” sounds a tad cheesy now, but it is what it is. i LOVE lemonade + so does he. after he proposed, i realized that i didn’t have a clue what i wanted for my wedding day.  i think most girls grow up planning + playing wedding with their girly’s, i played soccer. wedding prep = a deer in the headlight ginger. straight clueless. i knew i wanted a short wedding dress, but that’s about it. i remember sitting in jon’s black subaru outside of my aunt’s house in provo + he said to me “well, you know what you don’t want, but not what you do. so let’s start at the beginning. (as he gets out his permanent marker + skittles wrapper) what’s your favorite thing?” my answer: sour patch kids + lemonade. we ran with it. he built the lemonade stand, i picked out every yellow candy you can think of, my mom made yellow bridesmaids dresses + just like that, we were married.

fast forward 4 years. lemonade loving is still in full swing. we purchased a poop ice machine for our 3 year anniversary {sonic ice, poop ice, little ice, whatever you call it at your house is fine. please just tell me you know what it is? it’s the key to REAL good lemonade.} i enjoy our late night business-idea-shenanigans. after the littles are in bed, we go to town on the white board. i married one rad dude. he just gets it, ya know? the best part, jon’s a doer. he keeps reality in check + runs with his our ideas. i am more of a dreamer. there’s always something brewing in my mind, but not very often will i make it happen. my biggest + longest dream is to open my own clothing shop. if you haven’t clicked the lemonly tab on the top of our blog, you’re welcome to. one day it will link to my shop, but for now – – – you’ll find a little compilation of my latest faves for our family. looks a little something like it does below.


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5 thoughts on “l e m o n l y

  1. True confession: Luke and I accidentally wandered into Jon’s home office once while we were staying with you guys (actually Aubrey invited herself in and we followed to pull her back out) and we could. not. believe. that whiteboard!!! I remember Luke just staring at it and then saying that it was like looking into the mind of a genius. You are right… you married a “do-er.” 🙂

  2. that lip sugar…! my most favorite. love you two and that dynamic duo. go do all the amazing things!!
    also one day i will be a millionaire. and then i will buy up every thing in your shop! go live your dream, gf! ging + ky. another unstoppable pair. 🙂

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