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j’s first easter

how’s that for an overwhelming amount of easter photos?
i tell ya, our easter this year turned out pretty fetching awesome. i believe that everything is a bit more exciting with jonah in our lives. jon was so cute and taught him why we celebrate easter, even though he was more interested in his toes. we will try again next year. we went to church dressed in as many colors as humanly possible. i wish wish wish we would have taken a picture because boy were we rainbowin’ like never before. i was super impressed with my primary class and how proudly they told me about the resurrection before i even taught it to them. they are too precious. i miss them often.
we went to dinner at grandpa gene and grandma judy’s and caught the tail end of croquet at grammy and dave’s. we were suppose to skype with morg when we got home, but we got distracted by jonah and his crawling. (sorry again, mor)
notice i did not mention easter baskets anywhere in there? i dropped the ball this year, you guys. and i still can’t believe it. so not like me! at. all.
i played it off cool as i could to jonboy, but my insides wouldn’t let me hear the end of it.  i had an excuse of every shape and size when the easter baskets weren’t hidden that morning. procrastination at its finest.  jon claims he was relieved, but i’m not convinced. we have been celebrating easter for the last 5 years together.
:: the first time jon took me to neverland was on easter.
:: we watched the sunrise on top of snowbird together.
:: i filled 650 individual easter eggs with memories and reasons why i love jon. {right before we got engaged might i add}
:: jon sent me on the craziest treasure hunt known to man with diapers for clues. {kind of ironic because jonah fit into them this easter}
basically, easter is a big deal to me. to us. i often get carried away with many things. easter being one of them.  if you know me well, you know that holidays are a big deal in my life. birthdays, graduation, monthlies for jonah, new furniture, and even made up holidays,…any time i have an excuse to celebrate something you better believe there will be a party.
like i said, this year i dropped the ball. obviously.
i stewed about it all night long. jonah and i spent monday rhyming rhymes, stuffing eggs, hiding clues, painting hand/foot prints, and blowing up balloons. very patiently we hid at the park and waited for jonboy to finish our scavenger hunt and find us!  it was a success. jon was surprised. jonah was excited. and i was thrilled.
jonah’s first easter :: a day late, and one that we definitely won’t be forgetting any time soon.

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5 thoughts on “j’s first easter

  1. Oh my gosh how fun!! I love you guys–seriously always doing the cutest funnest things. I need to take notes. Teach me more!

  2. ainsley i got it at jcrew while i was preggo, so it was a while ago. pretty stretched out, but big and baggy is the style right? 🙂
    kell- i love you. fhe TONIGHT! bring your notebook.

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