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jonah jon, is that you?

i’m in denial.
little j is not so little anymore.
look at him, he’s huge.
i mean, he’s mature + stuff.
he throws away his own diapers + takes off his shirt for the bath.
he knows where the broom is, jumps off the coffe table when you count to three,
+ flushes the toilet nineteen times a day.

jon has a l w a y s been gung ho for long hair on our boys.
i’m glad he stuck to his guns on this one. the longer it gets, the more it grows on me.
he’s in the heat of the awkward length stage + totally owning it.
it accentuates his jon jr. personality. i tell ya, the kid’s a natural entertainer.

let us pray that he softens up to wearing a beanie before the snow finds us.
a beanie jonah is a must on our christmas card this year.

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7 thoughts on “jonah jon, is that you?

  1. i cannot believe that this is the same little baby we got to babysit during sacrament meetings..!

    oh, what a doll.

    p.s. can’t wait to see your amazing changes! whatever they may be.

    miss you!

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