the year I learned who kids birthday parties are really for.

He’s been telling people for months his motorcycle is broken. He has 2 of them, but they are broken. This is Jonah’s old bike + Jon fixed the tires. After we opened the gift from his big brothers on the front lawn, he went out back, hopped on that little blue motorcycle bike + rode until the sun went down.

things jack loves:
Books: Jack would sit on anyone’s lap who will read to him.- Cards + Games: I finally invested in some new NERTZ cards (custom from shutterfly)
- Being called squish – “Jack is your bum cute?” No. Squishy bum.
- Buzzlight anything + everything. The brothers picked out some jammies + we all picked out a piñata (pronounced pinky yota by the birthday boy) to break with his cousins this weekend.

things jack doesn’t love:
- brushing his hair
- that’s honest to goodness the only thing i can think of that he doesn’t love

This was my gift to Jack. I NEED A NEW BUTT BOOK. I should probably be embarrassed? Most households don’t encourage butt’s + farts, or even saying the words, buttuh, well, we laughed our freakin heads off the entire way through it.

If you have lego obsessed kiddos, snag this fun Lego Popsicle Mold.

Jack is a very very simple, loving boy who is pretty content just hanging out. He’s super chill + always up for adventures. He tells me all day long “I yuv dat mom”.

When Grandma called Jack earlier in the morning – he told her that all he wanted was a “burtday cake with candles.” She came down, met us for lunch at Maddox + most definitely pulled through. Jack devoured that cake. He’ll probably never remember this birthday, but I always will.

The year I learned that birthday party past has been for me, not for them. I mean they love it, but the over-the-top-stress-details, have they ever even noticed? I didn’t throw a party this year, not even close to anything elaborate. I didn’t order anything online or plan any outfits. I didn’t send out invites. We went about our day doing simple things that Jack adores with our dear friends + WE ALLLL HAD THE BEST DAY OF OUR LIVES. Imagine that.
While Jack + I were finishing his brother gift in the front yard, Jon went to fix the tires on our little old motorcycle bike. He’s been telling people (mostly Braedin) that he has 2 motorcycles, but they are broken in the garage. Had I known where Jon went, I would have had the camera on rapid fire when he saw that it was fixed. He hopped right on that thing + rode it until the sun went down.

My heart feels content + proud/embarassed of how many parties over the top I’ve thrown. There’s something truly magical about simplicity. At the end of the day it leaves me even more grateful that I’m trusted to raise these incredible boys with their dad. I love them all, with ALL OF MY HEART.
welcome to 3 years of life, jack boy.
xx, Mom