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i’m it.

my new friend, sharon garofalow from cupcakes + cutlery
tagged me to participate in this nifty blogging chain.
i am honored and still a little giddy that i was chosen.

enjoy my q + a.

can your life be best described as a ballard, rock or film score? 
rock! i’m married to a total rockstar.

what would you do if you had an elephant in your back yard? 
instagram it immediately, then call jon.
we don’t really have a backyard.
but i’d guess that we would turn it in to a competition of some kind.
something like whoever gets 10 peanuts from the guest bedroom window
into the elephant’s trunk first, wins a 5 minute back tickle.
we are weird, i know.

what is your favorite TV show, past or present? 
REVENGE was the last craze we went through.
it’s slightly embarrassing how many shows we have whizzed through on netflix in a week.

what is your favorite beverage. any + all included?
i love a good raspberry lemonade with frozen raspberry chunks + an extra lemon on top.
pizza factory lemonade is the best in the west.
you will always find bottled water, kroger crystal light {smith’s version}
grape gatorade + dr pepper in our white fridge.
i enjoy anything with ‘poop’ ice in it. ya know that little pebble ice stuff? heaven sent.
a poop ice machine is number one on our want list. dear santa?

who would play you in the hollywood version of your life?
kelly rippa.
jonboy told me i looked like her on our second date!
it obviously went straight to my head.

if you could take 3 other people along with you on a tropical vacation, who would you take?
jon, jonah + my mom.

what is the first concert you ever attended? 
i want to say copeland. i could be wrong – – it feels like 100 years have passed since then.

you have 1 hour in a mall with no kids. what store do you go to? 
crate + barrel.
e v e r y single time we go in there jonah throws an over the moon tantrum.
i can’t imagine what it would be like without him.

what is a quirk of your’s that we might not know about? 
i have a treat dish in every room of our home.
i am addicted to candy. i hate chocolate, but i love candy.
i prefer to call it a treat > candy.
i know i could beat any + all of you in a treat eating contest, any day of the week.
i’ll make it easier with one hand tied behind my back + blindfolded.
sour patch kids are the bees knees.

when do you start your christmas shopping?
i hit up the peek kids sale + blamed it on christmas.
heaven knows i won’t be able to keep it in the closet that long, but i will try my darndest.

if you could wish for one frivolous trait for yourself, what would it be? 
to laugh loud.
when i am laughing r e a l l y hard the ground shakes, but it’s dead silent.
i hiccup louder than i laugh.
hiccups are the giveaway that i am laughing and not having a seizure.
my sisters are the same way so you can imagine all of us laughing together.
e a r t h q u a k e
we get it from our mama.

so, that’s me!
here are the rules that come along with this gig.
i tag 11 bloggers that i want to know more about.

these are the pals i chose ——– >> 
emi of c&e   |   cara of caraloren’   |   sharstin of me&mine   |  elase of thelittelovebirds   |   lauren of busybeelauren   |
alycia of thecrowleyparty   |   dana of danamadeit   |  kenzie of freckledfacemama   |   kylee of champlinlife   |   nichelle of  vintagewannabe   |  sara of wherethebuffaloplay

now you guys get to do the following:
post these rules //
answer 11 questions the tagger posted for you.
create 11 questions to ask the people you tag.
tag 11 people.
let them know you’ve tagged them.

here are your questions :
1 / what do you wish you were better at saying no to?
2 / what do you love most about where you live?
3 / who would you nominate as person of the year + why?
4 / what makes your skin crawl?
5 / what was your first job?
6 / name your top 3 restaurants.
7 / would you rather age forward or backwards from this point forward?
8 / how do you measure success?
9 / describe yourself in 3 words?
10 / what is the very best smelling perfume?
11 / do you prefer to read, write, or run in your free time?

easy as pie.
good luck lovelies!

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