This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Hair Food. The opinions and text are all mine.
For years I told myself I wanted to be healthier.
What does that even mean?
For me – – – it was energy!!
I have come to realize that our mental health is directly related to our gut. To the things we are putting into our bodies every single day.
Which for me has been the answer for more energy!

What we put into our bodies isn’t just food. It’s what we put on our face, what we use to wash our hair + bodies, the scents we light around our house + wash our clothes with! THIS IS A THING! The more educated I become, the more simple it is to start today!!

Recovering from a 3 week travel sprint is a bit more rough than I anticipated. Been eating super crappy coming off vacation + china. I lived on skittles + Fanta for a week in China + my body is still confused. Needing a reset. I’m committed hunkering down for a week to get back on track. I’ve never been extreme in dieting or exercising. I’d say I strive hard to be more “aware” of what is going into my body + take continual strides to learn about the ingredients in the things I use. All signs in my life are pointing to a reset!! I’ve slept horribly, eaten even worse + have been sooo tired. You know where it shows most? My hair. My skin. Under my eyes + my ankles.

Excited to dive into Hair health a little deeper today! I went to cosmetology school + this subject is easy for me to get passionate about! 🙂 Hair Food has an aligned outtake on Healthy habits + it means a lot to me. They believe that what you put on your hair is as important as what you eat! This Coconut Milk (which smells heavenly) + was inspired by clean, simple, kitchen-crafted ingredients that you want to put in your hair + none of the things that you don’t.

If you get fly away baby hairs, THIS IS OIL IS FOR YOU!! Smooth as a baby’s bottom + no alcohol added in. Which is in the majority of other serum’s I’ve used in my day!

I think the best way to really test a conditioner is to sleep in it for a night. Wash your hair in the shower, just don’t wash out conditioner. Then fully re-wash the next morning! CLEAN IS CLEAN. Build up is build up. I went to hair school + know enough about the genetic make-up of hair to know when something is good for your hair or not. The best part is that you don’t have to be a licensed Hair professional to take care of your hair + not break the bank!!
In fact Hair Food is available on Amazon + is currently 20% off when you use Amazon code: 25HAIRFOOD

Thank you, Hair Food for reminding us why reading the labels for your hair are just as important as any other label!! (or finding someone who’s done the homework for you) because it gets the Parrish stamp of approval! 3 cheers to healthier hair, more energy + eating smarter. Sleeping better + living a life motivated to be the best us we can be! If you don’t know where to start, read this post from Kelsey Wells. She sums it up perfectly!