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i love to see the temple

living a few blocks from the temple is the perfect excuse for a visit.
even though we don’t make it down there nearly as often as we’d like, it sure is b e a u t i f u l when we do.
the workers wrapping the lights on the tree were a sweet little reminder that christmas is right around the corner.
have you seen temple square at christmas time?
good gracious, i can hardly wait.

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3 thoughts on “i love to see the temple

  1. i love so much, everything about all of the bright colors you all always wear, and the brightness of your photos. so beautiful.

    and oh, how i miss living so close to that temple!

  2. seriously, im obsessed with your pictures!! you are so good! they are so bright and brillaint! what a great photographer you are! wish i had an excuse for a photo shoot! im dying to know what kind of camera you use, and what program do you use to edit? photoshop? or iphoto? so beautiful. girl, you have some serious skills. and we live just down the street from the temple too! party!

  3. kelli – we miss you living so close to US! the ward misses you weekly. thank you for always A L W A Y S having something so kind to say! miss you.

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