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happy feet

jonah is h i l a r i o u s.
he runs never walks + has me out of breath constantly.
he knows how to make me laugh, keeps me on my toes + lives to entertain everyone + everything.
i’ll admit it, i am excited to put him down at 8 PM + he is just as excited to go.
but i tell ya, when 9:30 rolls around we miss him.
like, really miss him.
it has turned into a silly game of who is going to give in {or admit it} first?
F A C T : we sneak him into our bed once a week. sometimes more.
last night he woke up in the process + just stared at us like we were crazy.
which we probably are, but i don’t care.
it’s hard for me to remember what life was like without jonah in it.

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4 thoughts on “happy feet

  1. this is just melted my heart. that, and it made me wish i had a little rascal to sneak into my bed. Can I just be you and have your life already? please and thank you! xo

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