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this morning as i finalized my first little lesson for young women, i came across this printable. it sure hit close to home, i couldn’t have said it better myself. my dear friend kelli, bore the sweetest testimony of this in sacrament meeting. she said she is “just so happy”. simple, and full of truth. oh kelli i sure love you. you make it easy to be happy. to me, happiness is a way of life. a choice that i try to choose every morning. i will never forget jon’s speech on happiness on our third date.  i love happy people. i also love being happy. i have so much to be happy for today :: the sun is shining, my young women rock my socks, jonah just stood up on his own in his crib, jon used my bobbypin as his tie pin, and we are headed over to the bishop’s for some blonde brownies in a few minutes. oh happy day.
happy sabbath to you, happy friends.

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