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graduation and meeting benny

it’s been five years since i graudated from high school. it feels about like two.
it put things more into perspective of how quick life really is cruising by when we went to dannika’s graduation. i’m old. which means jon is even older. so weird!!

hey life…..SLOW the crud down.

somewhere along the way i forgot that graduation lasts two hours. ha! joke’s on me, the mom who didn’t bring a single toy for jonah, right? trying to keep him entertained was a bit draining. he only believed that my lipgloss was cool for about 8 minutes. before the first speaker even started, he had a total blow out. of course he did. mo was suspersister and saved the day. some times i think i’d be a total wreck without the amazing support of my family. they are always there when my gas light turns on.

dan, mckenna, and taylor all graduated together, which was pretty cool! grandma was one proud grandma. the mama’s put together a little lunch at mac park for our families, and carter brought benny to meet everyone. jonah got to take him for a little spin. thanks grandpa. thanks benny {whit}.

i didn’t take all that many pictures with my camera while we were at the spectrum… i need to dump my iphone soon because i remember having a few more pictures on there. but until then here are the few that i did find on my camera.

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