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g r a m m i n

welp, i’m only about 33 weeks behind on the weekly update that i promised to jonboy. i can’t seem to keep up with anything lately. but i’ll try to add a few picts each day so that you can see what we’ve been up to.
mo came down yesterday for a dentist appointment + stayed to slumber with us. she watched the boys while we went to a 10 o’clock movie. have you seen the saratov approach yet? ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh. i’m still having anxiety. i loved it, but i think i held my breath the entire movie. sporatic date nights are just our style. i filled my left + right pockets with swedish fish, hid jon’s liter of blue shock mtn dew along with 3 rice krispy treats + a handful of grape hi-chews inside my coat. we ate 1/16 of a large popcorn + called it a date.

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