Comments on: Friday lemonade Ginger Parrish Tue, 25 Aug 2020 17:06:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ashton Tue, 06 May 2014 16:23:06 +0000 I love reading your blog. Don’t know who the copiers are, but I do know that I love every single thing you post. You are so original. Real. Sweet. Awesome. and the list could go onandonandon. Keep it up, Ging!

By: drea Sun, 04 May 2014 12:35:51 +0000 paying for shipping is the worst!! so are blog copiers :-/ hope you get loads more sweets this week!

By: Lacy Bennett Fri, 02 May 2014 18:58:35 +0000 I just caught up on all your blog posts I have missed! You gooo girl. I just laugh at how similar our lives are…1. i just bought those same color birks last week (happy mothers day to me) 2. i have that brown and cream RUGSUSA chevron rug 3. i have been eating otter pops all week 4. some of our pictures are so similar–i die 5. RIGGINS!
I love you and miss you! Please tell me who is taking credit for your blog post ideas@$^%$#..i will totally beat them up.
