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Fred’s Birthday


gparrish 24ky birthdaykybirthdaygparrish 24

Milo Grace, are you kidding me with that little grin?! Can’t get enough of you + your recently discovered voice. Sweetest little girl on earth!!


Grandma hasn’t missed a single birthday ever. Ever EVER!


Quick game of dead man dead man with the birthday girl.

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We got home from Cali just in time to ring in Ky’s 24th year of life with a swim party. My relationship with Ky is one of my very most prized possessions. We are so similar, so different + so good at balancing each other out. We shared a room our whole lives + there aren’t too many days that go by without us hitting our text allotment on the phone plan. Watching her transform into a mother this year has been an absolute joy. Kids have always been drawn to her energetic heart + contagious laugh. ALWAYS! Watching her gracefully enter motherhood with sweet little Milo puts my love for her into a whole new category. I am so so proud of her! Can’t wait to see what things she conquers this coming year! Love you to the moon, Freddy Roo.