When it comes to workout gear, lululemon has honestly been the “IT PLACE” on my radar for years. You get what you pay for + I’ve been able to keep my lululemon pieces around for years. I love their meditation journal as well.
I went into the lululemon store after a movie the other night at Station Park + couldn’t believe how much they’ve stepped up their game with the shorts!!! Like since when? I might live under a rock, but either way I’m stoked.
- hotty hot short : lululmeon just came out with a longer version + my thirty year old self was stokkkkked. my 16 year old self probs would have gone for the 2.5“ – – – something for everyone! I paired it with the BREEZE BY MUSCLE TANK.
size up : i’m wearing a 2, but am regretting not going for a 4
- align short 6″ : these shorts are available in both 4 + 6 inch. The 4″ normally has more color options, but I love a classic black (or I lean towards tone on tone) + I like where the 6″ shorts hit me mid thigh. I paired it with the Muscle Love Crop Tank Tough – on sale for only $39.
size : i like oversized so i went with a 4 + rolled them down.
- on the fly short : the perfect short for wearing around, to the lake/pool, + even hiking. they’re seriously comfffffy.
size : TTS or size up to be safe. can you see a pattern here? 🙂

I adored this post + these thoughts from Alison Faulkner,
“You don’t have to go for a whole run in your head. You just need to put on your shoes. You don’t need to write the whole book and get a publisher. You just need to open a blank document and schedule yourself 20 minutes of time. I think one reason we’re all so overwhelmed is we try to complete tasks in our head, when we really don’t need to! 😂❤️🙌 I often find that if I need to do dishes, I just call my sister or a friend. I can’t sit still and talk on the phone, so if I just do the ONE THING (call someone)…it leads to the other. Do you have ONE thing that helps you do the next?! ❤️

Do you enjoy fitness classes? Fitness classes are fun for me. I have a sister who agrees + 2 who do not. 🙂 Either way, I dig the group setting + feel extra motivated when I’m moving as a team. I blame my soccer days (played all of my life) + sincerely enjoy sweating with others. Wanted to share a few of the classes I go to consistently + loooooove. I found a small home grown gym to get a membership that offers lots of variety in classes!

- pilates : my friend got me into reformers pilates a few years ago + I was hooked after the first class. I don’t have any close or convienent to my house. There are lots or MAT PILATES classes around, but I’d say if possible find a reformer class if you’re just beginning.
classes : 3 – 4 times per week
- yoga : when i’m feeling in a funk + need to get refocused on life + priorities I grab my oils + head to yoga. I love youtube channel’s that walks you through it as well – I like to do a flow before bed to calm down + really reach that zen release to feel confident in living my days to the fullest.
classes : 2 times per week (guided online or in studio)
- body combat: the first time I went i sprained my thumb because I didn’t know how to properly punch. who even knewww that was a thing. But talk about emotional release. I’m usually sore for days but I can hang once a week.
- grit: this is a great cardio option. HIIT where you pushhhh it to the point of no return + basically want to cry. but the classes are short so you know you won’t die. doesn’t sound fun? it’s not. but i always leave feeling on top of the world – COME AT ME, DAY! 🙂
- SWEAT: I’ve been using Kelsey Wells section of the SWEAT app. I’ve also completed 2 rounds of BBG (all powered through the sweat app) The PWR program has helped me gain muscle + reach stronger goals. BBG is a great one to slim/tone + PWR helps build! Kels taught me how to not look like a doofus in the weight room + her new PWR at home is what I’m most looking forward to in our new home gym.
- stretching: if you want longer leaner muscles STRETCH!!!!! Especially when you don’t feel like it. I think this is why I became so addicted to pilates, because you’re kind of constantly stretching as you tone + elongate your muscles.

The last few years I’ve really learned that getting my heart rate up, keeps my spirits high. It’s easy to get lost in the thick of the everyday. I like to set my work out clothes out the night before + put them on when I first wake up. Some days I don’t get to the gym until 8:30 PM when Jon can stay home with the boys. I’d love to hear what works for you, or what you love to do to stay active. I’m open ears for new things + new ideas. Always switching things up! Also hoping to dive into more of my daily eating habits with you guys as Jon + I have been intermittent fasting. – is this something you’d be interested in?
Love you all!! Thanks for keeping this a safe space where we can learn + grow together.