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FHE + a love story

jon always plans the best family home evenings.
yesterday was no exception.
when i lived in provo i worked at gold’s gym.
i wore a fake wedding ring every day to work. (i’m not even going to try to explain)
elder holland came in one day + my ring was sitting on the counter.
he laughed. he knew what i was doing.
as i walked him back to the tennis courts to watch his nephew play tennis he asked me about marriage.
jon + i had broken up not too long before + i was all kinds of emotional about our status.
he told me to that jon would fight for me if the timing was right.
fast forward to last week.
jon has been working with this is the place heritage park.
elder holland was up there last thursday + jon ran into him.
E X A C T L Y four years after i had met him.
like really, how ironic is that?

there are tender mercies all around us.
i consider time to be one of them.
i believe time is a special gift we have been given.
it’s easy to take time for granted + forget how special it really is.
time heals, while allowing us to learn + grow all along the way.

for FHE we visited the monuments, fed the horses, shared panda to-go + planned our fall bucket list.
we are still kinda soaking in the fact that we are a family of four.
this is the place is beautiful + will definitely be seeing more of us this season.

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