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father’s day

the very first time i went to jon’s house in logan, he had a cardboard cut out of a baby exactly like this sitting nonchalantly on his entertainment center.

on our second date he abruptly asked me how many kids i wanted. mid sentence, out of no where, in a completely different conversation. “who is this guy?” did i say the second date? i coughed until he got me a drink so that i could mentally prepare my answer if he proposed when he returend. i mean, i love kids, and have always wanted a big family, but i was not prepared for this. . . . i thought i was off the hook.
until he texted me at 2 am and asked me again. that rascal.

we broke up a few times before we officially tied the knot. {ok, maybe more like 5 or 6} but the final time was a little more serious than the rest. it was done. over. never getting back together, move on, done-zo.
adam called me at random one day just to let me know that jon was studying up on adopting a little guy on his own. i believe guys scheme with their cronies once they go thru a breakup and establish a “win her back” plan, but this was an exception.

birth control….we compromised at six months.

this guy, this amazing husband of mine, has a special love for children that words cannot describe, and he has never been afraid of it.

wednesday, september 7, 2011, 5:43 pm :: sweet jonah jon came into our life. a day that does not compare to any other. a day that i have truly had a hard time coming up with the right words to describe it. jon became a father. i became a mother, and right there in that yellow hospital room, we became a family. our first moments together were absolutely magical. the tears. the cuddles. the way he whispered into his ear and admired every single wrinkle on the heels of his tiny little feet. his eyes never left him. his fatherly instincts kicked in instantly, and he just glowed. these precious moments outdid the ones i’d been dreaming of my entire life.

yesterday was a big day for jon. his very first father’s day. he looked as handsome as ever with little j loving life on his hip all through church. i’m so grateful for him, and so proud of all that he has become in the past nine months. he truly is to the most hardworking, generous, honest, patient, understanding, witty, thoughtful, and kind father. jonah and i are extremely blessed to call him ours.

all he asked for this year for father’s day was the rest of our twelve kids to get here as quickly as possible. are you even suprised? waahhh. wish me luck.
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One thought on “father’s day

  1. I was gonna tell you the other day that AJ is just as baby hungry as Jon. Maybe they should go cuddle babies somewhere together cuz it’s not happening here for a long time! Cutest post. You guys are the best. Can’t wait to see you again!

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