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conference weekend

after the usu//byu game on friday we drove to vegas.
jonah slept like a newborn
jon free styled to the lorax
+ i inhaled 88 grape fruity tooties in approximately two minutes.

we have been all about the road trip lifestyle lately.
something about fall + the changing leaves sucks us in every time.
{not that the vegas drive has much of that to offer, but you know what i mean}
this is also the excuse for my blogging drought. sorry about that.
we wanted to keep our conference tradition alive with g + b.

wasn’t conference absolutely i n c r e d i b l e ?
i am up here on cloud 9 soaking in my spiritual high, hope you don’t mind.
the older i get, the more i appreciate the gospel in my life.
especially general conference.
i’m grateful that my parents taught me its importance at such a young age.
i pray that i will do the same for my children.

we went to the pumpkin patch.
pumpkins, cotton candy, palm trees AND a petting zoo all in one?
i tell you what, vegas is taking fall to a new level!
we watched conference.
we shopped the district + went to a movie,
we introduced jonah to raising canes + ate dinner with the eliason’s.
a mere 28 hours later, we were back in the car on our way home.

thank you greg + britt for another exceptional weekend in vegas!

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8 thoughts on “conference weekend

  1. ^ this is true.

    loove that jonah hug photo..!! cutest.
    and love your trip.

    fruit punch frooties are theeee best. ever. i could die. that is all.

  2. This is so wonderful! I bet you had a really great time! I wanted to ask you, is there any way to follow your blog? Google friend connect, email updates or bloglovin?

  3. kelli – – isn’t that pict so priceless. he was acting so strange. he was tired + he was basically sleep walking. that little goon.

    you can have all the fruit punch frooties if i can have the strawberry. they are ultimately my fave. love you!

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