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celebrating 2 {iphone style}

the rain kind of threw off the original game plan to party at the park,
but the church gym being one of jonah’s favorite places to play – – turned out surprisingly perfect.
(minus the Y E L L O W lighting + curtain for a back drop) but who really notices, right? ha!
we wore our family baseball shirts, let j stay up until midnight + ate 4 too many donuts.
with all of our favorite people there, it was a happy day indeed!
we love you jonah jon. you fill our hearts with happiness every day of the year.

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8 thoughts on “celebrating 2 {iphone style}

  1. margee – – – thanks love. but i don’t know who amy cornwell is so i’m a little embarrassed that i don’t know for sure what you’re talking about.

  2. i don’t have any words for how much i love everyone in footy pajamas…!!! i’d like to be you when i grow up.
    also kelli b up there ^ looks like an imposter…

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