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be genuine

i know things have been a little dry around here lately.

i have a lot on my plate + needed some serious breathing room.
i had to take a step back in order to genuinely soak it all in.
i feel very inspired, very fortunate + very loved.
g e n u i n e // the word has been on my mind for weeks.
if you are genuine, genuine things will find you.
it’s as simple as that.
i’m grateful for genuine friends + a genuine family that believe in me.

thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your kind words + recognition.
my heart is full.

{ instagram // gparrish }
Home by Phillip Phillips on Grooveshark

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3 thoughts on “be genuine

  1. oh man. you busy lady!

    soaking in life for all its precious moments is the best gift you can give yourself.

    and i’ve lost my status of sole commentor…! it’s a little sad. 😉 still love reading about your life, lady.

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