get it?
gramm = gramma
and gramma is on her way to our house for the weekend.
zah zah!
jonboy is chin deep in “finals week” at work.
i didn’t know a 22 hour work day existed until monday.
holy cow, it’s been wild
+ we are itching for a party.
every night he gets home he yells // SLAMMA-JAMMA.
i don’t know where it came from, or what it means,
but it obviously ryhmes with instagramma.
so, whatever.
you’re the cutest ever. I’m gonna miss my slc drive by’s. please tell me the 911 story!
you take the best pictures EVER.
i love this!!!
except for the 22 hour work weeks. that part sucks.
the SLAMMA JAMMA? best.
that is all. 🙂